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Clojure library JSON Schema validation and generation - Draft-07 compatible

Results 5 json-schema issues
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Inferring schemas can be done on vector input. But not on lists (ie. coming from the result of `(map some-fn docs)`. The simple solution to this is of course to...

good first issue

If a set of documents being inferred have a vector of documents, but one document sets this to nil, the resulting inferred schema doesn't add type `:null` to the generated...

good first issue

Hi, It seems the author dropped the original project to focus on a new one https://github.com/erosb/json-sKema . The new project supports newer schema drafts. See deprecation notice: https://github.com/everit-org/json-schema?tab=readme-ov-file#deprecation-notice Probably relates...


Hey there! Thanks for this library, it's really helpful. Is there any interest in supporting later versions of the JSON Schema specification? There are some features I'd love to use...


The README states that this: ```clj (json-schema.infer/infer-strict {:title "ent-1"}) {:things [{:quantity 1}]}) ``` Will generate this: ```clj {:$schema "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#" :title "ent-1" :type :object :additionalProperties false :properties {"things" {:type :array :items...
