fittencode.nvim copied to clipboard
Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim
Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim, helps you to use AI for automatic completion in Neovim, with support for functions like login, logout, shortcut key completion.
✨ Features
- 🚀 Fast completion thanks to
Fitten Code
- 🐛 Asynchronous I/O for improved performance
- 🐣 Support for
- 1️⃣ Document code
- 2️⃣ Edit code
- 3️⃣ Explain code
- 4️⃣ Find bugs
- 5️⃣ Generate unit test
- 6️⃣ Implement features
- 7️⃣ Optimize code
- 8️⃣ Refactor code
- 9️⃣ Start chat
- ⭐️ Accept all suggestions with
- 🧪 Accept line with
Ctrl + 🡫
- 🔎 Accept word with
Ctrl + 🡪
- ❄️ Undo accepted text
- 🧨 Automatic scrolling when previewing or completing code
- 🍭 Multiple HTTP/REST backends such as
(WIP) - 🛰️ Run as a
(WIP) source ornvim-cmp
⚡️ Requirements
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
- curl
📦 Installation
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
For example with lazy.nvim
config = function()
For example with packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
⚙️ Configuration
fittencode.nvim comes with the following defaults:
action = {
document_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Document Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
edit_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Edit Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
explain_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Explain Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
find_bugs = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Find Bugs" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
generate_unit_test = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Generate UnitTest" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
start_chat = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Start Chat" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
identify_programming_language = {
-- Identify programming language of the current buffer
-- * Unnamed buffer
-- * Buffer without file extension
-- * Buffer no filetype detected
identify_buffer = true,
disable_specific_inline_completion = {
-- Disable auto-completion for some specific file suffixes by entering them below
-- For example, `suffixes = {'lua', 'cpp'}`
suffixes = {},
inline_completion = {
-- Enable inline code completion.
---@type boolean
enable = true,
-- Disable auto completion when the cursor is within the line.
---@type boolean
disable_completion_within_the_line = false,
-- Disable auto completion when pressing Backspace or Delete.
---@type boolean
disable_completion_when_delete = false,
-- Auto triggering completion
---@type boolean
auto_triggering_completion = true,
-- Accept Mode
-- Available options:
-- * `commit` (VSCode style accept, also default)
-- - `Tab` to Accept all suggestions
-- - `Ctrl+Right` to Accept word
-- - `Ctrl+Down` to Accept line
-- - Interrupt
-- - Enter a different character than suggested
-- - Exit insert mode
-- - Move the cursor
-- * `stage` (Stage style accept)
-- - `Tab` to Accept all staged characters
-- - `Ctrl+Right` to Stage word
-- - `Ctrl+Left` to Revoke word
-- - `Ctrl+Down` to Stage line
-- - `Ctrl+Up` to Revoke line
-- - Interrupt(Same as `commit`, but with the following changes:)
-- - Characters that have already been staged will be lost.
accept_mode = 'commit',
delay_completion = {
-- Delay time for inline completion (in milliseconds).
---@type integer
delaytime = 0,
prompt = {
-- Maximum number of characters to prompt for completion/chat.
max_characters = 1000000,
chat = {
-- Highlight the conversation in the chat window at the current cursor position.
highlight_conversation_at_cursor = false,
-- Style
-- Available options:
-- * `sidebar` (Siderbar style, also default)
-- * `floating` (Floating style)
style = 'sidebar',
sidebar = {
-- Width of the sidebar in characters.
width = 42,
-- Position of the sidebar.
-- Available options:
-- * `left`
-- * `right`
position = 'left',
floating = {
-- Border style of the floating window.
-- Same border values as `nvim_open_win`.
border = 'rounded',
-- Size of the floating window.
-- <= 1: percentage of the screen size
-- > 1: number of lines/columns
size = { width = 0.8, height = 0.8 },
-- Enable/Disable the default keymaps in inline completion.
use_default_keymaps = true,
-- Default keymaps
keymaps = {
inline = {
['<TAB>'] = 'accept_all_suggestions',
['<C-Down>'] = 'accept_line',
['<C-Right>'] = 'accept_word',
['<C-Up>'] = 'revoke_line',
['<C-Left>'] = 'revoke_word',
['<A-\\>'] = 'triggering_completion',
chat = {
['q'] = 'close',
['[c'] = 'goto_previous_conversation',
[']c'] = 'goto_next_conversation',
['c'] = 'copy_conversation',
['C'] = 'copy_all_conversations',
['d'] = 'delete_conversation',
['D'] = 'delete_all_conversations',
-- Setting for source completion.
source_completion = {
-- Enable source completion.
enable = true,
-- trigger characters for source completion.
-- Available options:
-- * A list of characters like {'a', 'b', 'c', ...}
-- * A function that returns a list of characters like `function() return {'a', 'b', 'c', ...}`
trigger_chars = {},
-- Set the mode of the completion.
-- Available options:
-- * 'inline' (VSCode style inline completion)
-- * 'source' (integrates into other completion plugins)
completion_mode = 'inline',
---@class LogOptions
log = {
-- Log level.
level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
-- Max log file size in MB, default is 10MB
max_size = 10,
Set updatetime
to a lower value to improve performance:
-- Neovim default updatetime is 4000
vim.opt.updatetime = 200
completion_mode ='source',
sources = { name = 'fittencode', group_index = 1 },
mapping = {
['<cr>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert, select = false }),
🚀 Usage
- Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets
. - Essential parameters are enclosed in
Account Commands
Command | Description |
Fitten register |
If you haven't registered yet, please run the command to register. |
Fitten login |
Try the command Fitten login to login. |
Fitten logout |
Logout account |
Completions Commands
Command | Description |
Fitten enable_completions [filetypes] |
Enable global/filetypes completions. |
Fitten disable_completions [filetypes] |
Disable global/filetypes completions. |
Actions Commands
Command | Description |
Fitten document_code |
Document code |
Fitten edit_code |
Edit code |
Fitten explain_code |
Explain code |
Fitten find_bugs |
Find bugs |
Fitten generate_unit_test [test_framework] [language] |
Generate unit test |
Fitten implement_features |
Implement features |
Fitten optimize_code |
Optimize code |
Fitten refactor_code |
Refactor code |
Fitten identify_programming_language |
Identify programming language |
Fitten analyze_data |
Analyze data |
Fitten translate_text |
Translate text |
Fitten translate_text_into_chinese |
Translate text into Chinese |
Fitten translate_text_into_english |
Translate text into English |
Fitten start_chat |
Start chat |
Fitten show_chat |
Show chat window |
Fitten toggle_chat |
Toggle chat window |
Completions Mappings
Mappings | Action |
Tab |
Accept all suggestions |
Ctrl + 🡫 |
Accept line |
Ctrl + 🡪 |
Accept word |
Ctrl + 🡩 |
Revoke line |
Ctrl + 🡨 |
Revoke word |
Alt + \ |
Manually triggering completion |
Chat Mappings
Mappings | Action |
q |
Close chat |
[c |
Go to previous conversation |
]c |
Go to next conversation |
c |
Copy conversation |
C |
Copy all conversations |
d |
Delete conversation |
D |
Delete all conversations |
✏️ APIs
provides a set of APIs to help you integrate it with other plugins or scripts.
- Access the APIs by calling
Parameters/Return Types
-- Log levels
vim.log = {
levels = {
TRACE = 0,
DEBUG = 1,
INFO = 2,
WARN = 3,
ERROR = 4,
OFF = 5,
---@class ActionOptions
---@field prompt? string
---@field content? string
---@field language? string
---@class GenerateUnitTestOptions : ActionOptions
---@field test_framework string
---@class ImplementFeaturesOptions : ActionOptions
---@field feature_type string
---@class TranslateTextOptions : ActionOptions
---@field target_language string
---@class EnableCompletionsOptions
---@field enable? boolean
---@field mode? 'inline' | 'source'
---@field global? boolean
---@field suffixes? string[]
---@type StatusCodes
local StatusCodes = {
IDLE = 2,
ERROR = 4,
List of APIs
API Prototype | Description |
login(username, password) |
Login to Fitten Code AI |
logout() |
Logout from Fitten Code AI |
register() |
Register to Fitten Code AI |
set_log_level(level) |
Set the log level |
get_current_status() |
Get the StatusCodes of the InlineEngine and ActionEngine |
triggering_completion() |
Manually triggering completion |
has_suggestions() |
Check if there are suggestions |
dismiss_suggestions() |
Dismiss suggestions |
accept_all_suggestions() |
Accept all suggestions |
accept_line() |
Accept line |
accept_word() |
Accept word |
accept_char() |
Accept character |
revoke_line() |
Revoke line |
revoke_word() |
Revoke word |
revoke_char() |
Revoke character |
document_code(ActionOptions) |
Document code |
edit_code(ActionOptions) |
Edit code |
explain_code(ActionOptions) |
Explain code |
find_bugs(ActionOptions) |
Find bugs |
generate_unit_test(GenerateUnitTestOptions) |
Generate unit test |
implement_features(ImplementFeaturesOptions) |
Implement features |
optimize_code(ActionOptions) |
Optimize code |
refactor_code(ActionOptions) |
Refactor code |
identify_programming_language(ActionOptions) |
Identify programming language |
analyze_data(ActionOptions) |
Analyze data |
translate_text(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text |
translate_text_into_chinese(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text into Chinese |
translate_text_into_english(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text into English |
start_chat(ActionOptions) |
Start chat |
enable_completions(EnableCompletionsOptions) |
Enable completions |
show_chat() |
Show chat window |
toggle_chat() |
Toggle chat window |
🎉 Special Thanks