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Fast Stepper Motor Library for Teensy boards

Results 20 TeensyStep issues
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As far as I understood, the MultipleSteppers example only works with an integrated acceleration/declaration. For my application I want to run different segments one after another (Polyline to interpolate a...

Hello, just wondering if this works with the teensyLC boards? I had a brief scroll through the timer stuff and it looks like at this stage there's a generic implementation...

First of all I am sorry for rising this issue here it might not belong here and I would close it soon. But I am stuck here and would really...

This is an issue to track support for STM32 boards in TeensyStep. @luni64 feel free to close this if you'd rather have separate issues or document in a different way....

This PR fixes the `TimerField` for `STM32F411xE` boards such as the Nucleo F411RE board. It preserves compatibility with the existing supported board (`STM32F429xx`) and introduces an error for boards that...

Hello, With what could be a shortage of Teensy 3.5/3.6 but PJRC saying that they have a lot of Teensy 4.1 available I am looking to move my code over...

I've extended the TeensyStep library a bit. Added timer enforcement to TeensyStep::StepControlBase. Now it might look like TeensyStep::StepControlBase StepController1(6,5000,TIM6,TIM5,TIM7 ); And here's what I found out: For reasons I don't...

Hi there first Thankyou very much for your work on teensyStep and VisualTeensy this may be related to the issue flagged by baaender Am having freezing issues with rotate control...

ErrorHandler.cpp: In function void TeensyStep::vHandler(int, int) ErrorHandler.cpp: 44:38: error: 'digitalToggle' was not declared in this scope digitalToggle(LED_BUILTIN) Error compiling libraries