FXP.One copied to clipboard
unable to connect to engine
Hi I am trying to use FXP.One but cannot connect
Here's what I did:
wget http://www.lundman.net/ftp/fxp-one-2.1.tar.gz
tar xzvf fxp-one-2.1.tar.gz
cd fxp-one-2.1
cd engine
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out "/home/jet/.FXP.One/lion.pem" -keyout "/home/jet/.FXP.One/lion.pem"
Process backgrounded...
Now when I try to use https://localhost:8886/ in chrome, the page loads with the following:
User:admin (password)
Host: wss://localhost:8886/
I click the padlock to connect, and it says 'Connecting...' forever
Please can you help? Any way to trigger debug or logging?
The engine is called "./FXP.Oned" and not "./engine". You can use "-f -d" for foreground/debug mode.
Richard Kearsley wrote:
Hi I am trying to use FXP.One but cannot connect
Here's what I did:
wget http://www.lundman.net/ftp/fxp-one-2.1.tar.gz tar xzvf fxp-one-2.1.tar.gz cd fxp-one-2.1 ./configure make cd engine ./engine openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out "/home/jet/.FXP.One/lion.pem" -keyout "/home/jet/.FXP.One/lion.pem" ./engine
Process backgrounded...
Now when I try to use https://localhost:8886/ in chrome, the page loads with the following:
User:admin (password) Host: wss://localhost:8886/
I click the padlock to connect, and it says 'Connecting...' forever
Please can you help? Any way to trigger debug or logging?
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/lundman/FXP.One/issues/1.
Jorgen Lundman | [email protected] Unix Administrator | +81 (0)3 -5456-2687 ext 1017 (work) Shibuya-ku, Tokyo | +81 (0)90-5578-8500 (cell) Japan | +81 (0)3 -3375-1767 (home)
Hi Thanks for the reply Yes, I mean "./FXP.Oned"
I've run it with "-f -d" and I can see the [http] requests coming in, e.g.
[http] input 'GET /img/select_none.png HTTP/1.1'
[http] parsing request
[http] input 'Host:'
etc... (many more)
and also the [command]:
[command] listening on port 8885
[command] New connection from
[command] anonymous input 'SSL' (3)
[command] connection upgraded to secure
[command] anonymous input 'AUTH|USER=admin|PASS=admin' (26)
[command2] registered 'admin'
[command2] input 'SITELIST'
and that's it
should there be more? or is it stopping on 'SITELIST'?
Cheers Richard
Hi I have been playing around with it and can update you If I use my machine's other IPs it works, e.g. it's internal ip But if I try to use localhost or - it doesn't work (stays on Connecting....)
Sorry, github sometimes do not send me notices, a bit late on the reply here. Linux's connection does not work with nonblocking for some reason, and they don't appear to be interested in fixing it either.