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Function which behave depending on parameter type: How to document ?
Following example
-- get element from object
-- @param[type=number] tag index of object 1...n
-- @param[type=string] tag name of object to get
-- @return obj,idx (obj,number) object and index (2..)
function xmlobj:element(tag)
LDoc generates warnings in output
.../cxml.lua:51: xmlobj:element: extra param with no formal argument: 'tag'
And the document output is
xmlobj:element (tag, tag)
get element from object
tag (string) name of object to get
tag (string) name of object to get
obj,idx (obj,number) object and index (2..)
Can you give me an advice, how to correctly use LDoc for this case?
Correct is not defined, but you can do
@tparam number|string tag Either the object index or a tag object.
I'm not happy :cry:
Have a look at treturn
I can do
-- @treturn[1] number interval in seconds
-- @treturn[2] string timepoint
and I'll get
Returns: (number) interval in seconds Or (string) timepoint
:+1: :100: :fireworks: :heart:
Now, when I try the same with tparam
-- @tparam[1] number time interval in seconds
-- @tparam[2] string time timepoint
I'll get
Every(time, time) Parameters:
- time: (string) timepoint
- time: (string) timepoint
- :-1: ldoc does not recognize [1] and [2] for tparam. (But also gives no warning nor error)
- :+1: ldoc does show the parameter twice in the list
- :-1: ldoc does not keep track of different types or comments
What I'd expected, would be
Every(time) Parameters:
- time: (number) interval in seconds Or
- time: (string) timepoint
:sos: Can you give me a pointer, how to implement the same as in treturn also in tparam? :ambulance: