busted copied to clipboard
busted doesn't work, busted_bootstrap does
After installing the latest 2.0.rc3
I wanted to go back to the stable 1.11.1
. So I did, and this is what I have installed:
$ luarocks list
Installed rocks:
1.11.1-1 (installed) - /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks
When I run busted
I get:
$ busted
luajit: /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap:3: unexpected symbol near '-'
When I run busted_bootstrap
I get:
$ busted_bootstrap
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ○
195 successes / 0 failures / 0 pending : 0.141569 seconds.
The file busted_bootstrap
exec '/usr/local/opt/lua/bin/lua5.2' -e 'package.path="/Users/roberto/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;/Users/roberto/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;"..package.path; package.cpath="/Users/roberto/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/?.so;"..package.cpath' -e 'local k,l,_=pcall(require,"luarocks.loader") _=k and l.add_context("busted","1.11.1-1")' '/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/busted/1.11.1-1/bin/busted_bootstrap' "$@"
My system:
$ lua -v
Lua 5.2.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
$ luajit -v
LuaJIT 2.0.3 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mike Pall. http://luajit.org/
Any ideas?
Thank you, r.
You may need to force-uninstall the rc before the stable version is usable; things changed around with the bin files, and I'm guessing they didn't get cleaned up.
Unfortunately this doesn't fix it.
robertos-MacBook-Pro: ~/workspace/gin | master ✗ |
$ luarocks remove --force busted
Checking stability of dependencies on the absence of
busted 1.11.1-1...
The following packages may be broken by this forced removal:
gin 0.1.4-1
Removing busted 1.11.1-1...
Missing dependency for gin 0.1.4-1: busted == 1.11.1
Removal successful.
robertos-MacBook-Pro: ~/workspace/gin | master ✗ |
$ luarocks install busted 1.11.1-1
Warning: falling back to curl - install luasec to get native HTTPS support
Installing https://rocks.moonscript.org/busted-1.11.1-1.src.rock...
Using https://rocks.moonscript.org/busted-1.11.1-1.src.rock... switching to 'build' mode
Updating manifest for /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks
busted 1.11.1-1 is now built and installed in /usr/local (license: MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>)
robertos-MacBook-Pro: ~/workspace/gin | master ✗ |
$ busted
luajit: /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap:3: unexpected symbol near '-'
Anything I can try?
Best, r.
I had the same issue and needed to remove 2.0.rc3 using "iron fist"
find /usr -name luarocks
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/busted/
vim /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/manifest
- remove all "busted" entries manually
- reinstall
luarocks install busted 1.11.1
This doesn't fix it for me. It's really annoying.
:-( From your commandline I conclude that you are running OS X? The brute-force method above worked on a linux machine... Maybe things (luarocks libraries) are organized differently under OS X.
I've already manually removed anything I could find of busted from my system. I don't have anything else to try until I get hopefully some fix :)
Inspecting your initial post further it seems that the stuff under /usr/local/bin is messed up. Maybe the scripts under /usr/local/bin/ were not replaced properly due to access rights and/or symlink issues?
My setup says:
is a shell script -
is a lua file
Your post says:
is a shell script that tries to run/usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap
using luajit -
is a shell script (that naturally could not be executed by luajit)
This is my setup after a fresh (and working) install of busted 1.11.1:
$ which busted /usr/local/bin/busted
$ cat /usr/local/bin/busted
commandExists () {
command -v "$1" > /dev/null
# Obtain $COMMAND
while getopts ":l:" optchar; do
case $optchar in
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
exit 1
if commandExists $COMMAND ; then
elif commandExists $LUA ; then
elif commandExists luajit ; then
elif commandExists lua ; then
echo >&2 "Busted requires that a valid execution environment be specified(or that you have lua or luajit accessible in your PATH). Aborting.";
exit 1
DIR="$( dirname "$0" )"
if commandExists cygpath ; then
# Execution
$ head -n 20 /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap
-- Busted command-line runner
local cli = require 'cliargs'
local utils = require 'pl.utils'
local path = require 'pl.path'
local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
local busted = require 'busted'
local defaultoutput = busted.defaultoutput
local defaultpattern = busted.defaultpattern
local defaultlua = busted.defaultlua
local lpathprefix = busted.lpathprefix
local cpathprefix = busted.cpathprefix
local ansicolors = require "ansicolors"
cli:add_flag("--version", "prints the program's version and exits")
cli:optarg("ROOT", "test script file/folder. Folders will be traversed for any file that matches the --pattern option.", "spec", 1)
I hope that helps...
Same problem for me :(
this workaround helps:
edit last line in /usr/local/bin/busted (which busted
) from:
But: Is this a busted/luarocks/homebrew issue?
I have the same problem and followed @lipp and it works now.
Ubuntu 14.10 amd64, busted 1.11.1.
I did notice that Busted v1.11.0 works.
Same problem here, Mac Book with luarocks installed from homebrew. Applying @lipp's fix did not work (The command busted .
gets hung up and never finishes)
EDIT: I ended up just deleting busted
and renaming busted_bootstrap
to busted
. That's the only thing that seems to work.
@lipp fix works for me too. Thank you!
Closing this since it only affects the rcs and changes between old busted and new.
@lipp fix works for me too (linux; luarocks compiled from source). Thanks.
@DorianGray What's the suggested workaround for this issue?
The problem appears to be that /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap
is a shell script, and does appear to come from version 2, but gets installed for busted 1.11.1, too.
seems to be OK, but why isn't this file installed into /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap
Uninstalling busted removes the /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap
file, but when installing 1.11.1
, the wrong version is getting installed there.
And it does not appear to be related to having installed version 2 previously (see https://travis-ci.org/blueyed/awesome/builds/66254287).
It seems to be related to luarocks
creating a wrapper for/to /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/busted/1.11.1-2/bin/busted_bootstrap
after all.
busted-1.11.1-2.rockspec has this, while version 2 only has the first entry:
install = {
bin = {
["busted"] = "bin/busted",
["busted.bat"] = "bin/busted.bat",
["busted_bootstrap"] = "bin/busted_bootstrap"
Yes, for v 2.0 we changed how the test runner is loaded fairly drastically.
After reading this thread again, I think there are a few issues being conflated. Also, I cannot reproduce the issue on linux. I think tracking this one down may be up to you! If you do figure it out, please make a pull request so we can make a few more people happy.
The linked build is a Linux machine (Travis).
I could imagine that some luarocks update / setting is involved here, which creates the wrapper around busted_bootstrap
. Maybe that could be disabled?
I can replicate this issue with latest luarocks and busted-1.11.1 official rock reliably on linux. Even after completely fresh luarocks setup. Invariably @lipp s fix https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/busted/issues/290#issuecomment-62779977 resolves the issue after installing busted using the official luarock. Verified for lua 5.1 and lua 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS machine with vanilla luarocks 2.2.2 built from sources.
I think that I nailed down this problem:
the busted rockspec does not comply with what luarocks expects:
see "build.install": build.install.bin (table) - Lua command-line scripts.
bin/busted in 0e88edb9fb20c4446d194a15fa13bfbf9041c16f (1.11.1) is NOT a lua command line script, thus violates the rockspec format and this is why it fails (the "double" wrapping is a fault on the busted rockspec side, not on the luarocks side).
Will make a PR for that soon. Just need to fix the rockspec (only include the lua script) and rename bin/busted_bootstrap to bin/busted for 1.11.1 I guess.
@istr Makes sense. Thanks!
To solve this problem on Ubuntu 15.04, I ran:
luarocks remove busted --force
sudo luarocks install busted