If there was some explanation of how to dispose of the cache entirely when used via Dependency Injection that would be great. Adding and reading to and from the cache...
This would be great. To have the ability to 'nuke' the entire cache with a simple _cache.RemoveAll() would be very valuable.
Not working for me either. Ideally, a simple way to have it would be; ``` public lineChartOptions: ChartConfiguration['options'] = { elements: { line: { tension: 0.5 } }, scales: {...
What I'd like to know is how to catch an error and handle it gracefully. I'm just getting a plain 500 error returned with no detail. ``` var chat =...
> How does StreamResponseFromChatbotAsync work? After I call it, the API only returns the first word, await chat.StreamResponseFromChatbotAsync The code page after the line does not run and is blocked....