luminus-template copied to clipboard Could not locate env__init.class, env.clj or env.cljc on classpath.
Hi! I just setup a new project with the options +aleph +reitit +auth +postgresql +cljs +re-frame +graphql +boot +kibit but I'm getting on odd error on build run Could not locate redblackrose/env__init.class, redblackrose/env.clj or redblackrose/env.cljc on classpath.
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not locate redblackrose/env__init.class, redblackrose/env.clj or redblackrose/env.cljc on classpath.
This looks like there's an outdated dependency somewhere. Some library is looking for the redblackrose.env namespace and not seeing it.
Hmm, I just generated the project so that's odd. Is this perhaps an error in the template? Also how should I go about figuring out which dependency is outdated and how should I replace it? (I'm a newbie to Clojure but not to programming.)
Yeah, it looks like there might be an issue with the combination of the options selected. I'm not seeing the same issue without the +boot
flag though, so I'd recommend going with Leiningen for now by omitting it.
I don't use boot myself, so not too familiar with troubleshooting it. However, with Leiningen you can use lein-ancient to see if there are any outdated dependencies in the project.
If you have more of the stacktrace available, then we could see what library is trying to call the redblackrose.env
namespace. Then we'll have an idea of which library is causing the issue.
Alright! The full stacktrace is 748
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 624
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker 1149 266
clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn core.clj: 2030
boot.core/boot/fn core.clj: 1033
boot.core/construct-tasks core.clj: 973
boot.core/construct-tasks core.clj: 995
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 665
boot.user$eval4130$fn__4131.doInvoke : 130
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
boot.user$eval4091$fn__4092.doInvoke : 121
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
redblackrose.core/eval4783 core.clj: 1
redblackrose.core/eval4783/loading--auto-- core.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
redblackrose.handler/eval4789 handler.clj: 1
redblackrose.handler/eval4789/loading--auto-- handler.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
redblackrose.middleware/eval4795 middleware.clj: 1
redblackrose.middleware/eval4795/loading--auto-- middleware.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
... Could not locate redblackrose/env__init.class, redblackrose/env.clj or redblackrose/env.cljc on classpath.
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not locate redblackrose/env__init.class, redblackrose/env.clj or redblackrose/env.cljc on classpath.
line: 1
Is redblackrose the name of your project by any chance?
Ah ok, so it looks like there might be a problem with boot setup in the template then. @DonyorM any chance you could take a look at this? :)
I'm getting the same error using +boot.
First error that I see after running boot run
for the 1st time :
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: src/cljc
boot run
boot.App.main 500
boot.App.runBoot 407
org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke 145
org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke 154
boot.main/-main main.clj: 216
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 216
clojure.core/load-string core.clj: 4089
clojure.core/load-reader core.clj: 4087
boot.user$eval3406.invoke : 4
boot.user$eval3406.invokeStatic : 4
boot.core/set-env! core.clj: 861
boot.core/set-env! core.clj: 876
clojure.core/swap! core.clj: 2345
clojure.core/swap! core.clj: 2355
boot.core/init!/fn core.clj: 777
boot.core/configure!* core.clj: 311
boot.core/eval1037/fn core.clj: 797
boot.core/set-user-dirs! core.clj: 198
boot.core/sync-user-dirs! core.clj: 139
boot.core/patch! core.clj: 698
boot.core/patch! core.clj: 724
clojure.core/reduce core.clj: 6828
clojure.core.protocols/fn/G protocols.clj: 13
clojure.core.protocols/fn protocols.clj: 75
clojure.core.protocols/iter-reduce protocols.clj: 49
boot.core/patch!/merge' core.clj: 722
boot.filesystem/mktree filesystem.clj: 113
boot.file/walk-file-tree file.clj: 59
java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree 2795
java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.walk 322
java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.visit 276
java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.getAttributes 225
java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes 1842
sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.readAttributes 149
sun.nio.fs.UnixFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes 55
sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException 116
sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException 111
sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException 92
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: src/cljc
file: "src/cljc"
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: src/cljc
line: 3
Not sure if that's a proper workaroundbut if I run mkdir src/cljc
I can get to the the next one: Could not locate bootluminus/env__init.class, bootluminus/env.clj or bootluminus/env.cljc on classpath.
boot run 830
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 628
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker 1128 264
clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn core.clj: 2030
boot.core/boot/fn core.clj: 1033
boot.core/construct-tasks core.clj: 973
boot.core/construct-tasks core.clj: 995
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 665
boot.user$eval4126$fn__4127.doInvoke : 115
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
boot.user$eval4087$fn__4088.doInvoke : 106
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
bootluminus.core/eval4779 core.clj: 1
bootluminus.core/eval4779/loading--auto-- core.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
bootluminus.handler/eval4785 handler.clj: 1
bootluminus.handler/eval4785/loading--auto-- handler.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
bootluminus.middleware/eval4791 middleware.clj: 1
bootluminus.middleware/eval4791/loading--auto-- middleware.clj: 1
clojure.core/require core.clj: 6007 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5969
clojure.core/load-libs core.clj: 5985
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 667
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5928
clojure.core/load-lib core.clj: 5947
clojure.core/load-lib/fn core.clj: 5948
clojure.core/load-one core.clj: 5908
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6109
clojure.core/load core.clj: 6125
clojure.core/load/fn core.clj: 6126
... Could not locate bootluminus/env__init.class, bootluminus/env.clj or bootluminus/env.cljc on classpath.
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not locate bootluminus/env__init.class, bootluminus/env.clj or bootluminus/env.cljc on classpath.
line: 1
Which looks like build.boot fails to set proper source path to get access to bootluminus.env
Related part of build.boot
(deftask dev
"Enables configuration for a development setup."
:source-paths #(conj % "env/dev/clj" "src/cljs" "src/cljc" "env/dev/cljs")
cat env/dev/clj/bootluminus/env.clj
(ns bootluminus.env
[selmer.parser :as parser]
[ :as log]
[ :refer [wrap-dev]]))
(def defaults
(fn []
(log/info "\n-=[bootluminus started successfully using the development profile]=-"))
(fn []
(log/info "\n-=[bootluminus has shut down successfully]=-"))
:middleware wrap-dev})
cat ~/.boot/
#Sat May 02 07:11:53 EEST 2020
lein new luminus bootluminus +postgres +cljs +re-frame +shadow-cljs +boot +auth +basic
@yogthos Perhaps you may give me some ideas on what I can try to make it boot successfully?
Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with boot myself. @DonyorM implemented the feature originally, and might be able to help here.
To help, I think that shadow-cljs
support was never fully added for boot
inside luminus
. I'm sure it's doable, but I'm not familiar at all with boot
so would appreciate someone else's help with that.
That said, it might not be the only issue re the boot