Custom-Main-Menu copied to clipboard
button sound not playing need help, not a bug
i have the sound under its own file root being "button_noise" and file path being button_noise/sounds/Blip3.mp3 in the button_noise file is the sounds.json with the text inside being: { "click": {"sounds": ["Blip3"]}, "hover": {"sounds": ["Blip3"]} } in the mainmenu.json under the singleplayer button i have: "singleplayer": { "text" : "", "posX" : -100, "posY" : 48, "width" : 135, "height" : 15, "action" : { "type" : "openGui", "gui" : "singleplayer" }, "texture" : "texture:buttons/sp.png", "imageWidth" : 135, "imageHeight" : 15, "hoverSound" : "button_noise:Blip3" }, is there something I missed? I've also tried doing "hoverSound" : "button_noise:hover" on the ATlauncher console, it says: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: button_noise:blip3
game version 1.12.2 client: ATlauncher console: