Lukas Magauer
Lukas Magauer
@cbbayburt Did you have any further progress on this issue? Unfortunately I still experience it in the CLs, somehow it looks like the base channel is good again, but somebody...
@cbbayburt No worries, thanks for updating though!
I currently don't know where the problem really comes from, I also have module issues with the base repos: ```bash # dnf repolist repo id repo name susemanager:rockylinux8-uyuni-client-x86_64 Uyuni Client...
Got it working in the base-channels again, or better said... it fixed itself again there, and that is also slowly merged in the CVs, where it also looks to be...
This issue appeared again after the repos got switched from 8.5 to 8.6
Deleting all packages from the ingest / base repos, syncing everything again and then building a new environment fixes it again, but this is clearly not the solution (at least...
I think I saw the behavior on EPEL 8 Modular as well now. So if this is also used, make sure you also clean that channel.
@juliogonzalez Sorry I didn't have the time to test that yesterday then, was quite late, will change the few things this evening and run some tests, thank you for the...
I already know where most of the files are, due to me reverse engineering here and there (as I didn't understand why something was not working), so I think I...
@juliogonzalez I got a system running again! And tested the stuff, looks good, only was a bit finicky as the bootstrap and common-channels files look to have changed quite a...