ahoy copied to clipboard
- [ ] ESP8266
- [ok ] ESP32
- [ ] Raspberry Pi
Modelname: ____0.8.111 Retailer URL: ______
nRF24L01+ Module
- [ok ] nRF24L01+ you verified this is a Plus model capable of the required 256kBit/s mode
- [ ] square dot indicates original Nordic Semicon chip
- [ ] round dot indicates copy-cat / counterfeit SI labs chip
- [ ] circuit board
- [ ] external antenna (SMA)
Power Stabilization:
- [ ] 100uF Electrolytic Capacitor connected between +3.3V and GND (Pin 1 & 2) of the NRF Module
- [ ] Voltage stabilizing motherboard
Version / Git SHA:
Version: ..__ Github Hash: _______
Build & Flash Method:
- [ ] AhoyDTU Webinstaller
- [ ] VSCode - Platform IO
- [ ] Arduino
- [ ] ESP Tools
- [ ] USB Serial Log (attached)
- [ ] Setup settings (use our templates ... to be added)
Good morning
Sorry if this question has already been asked I have an official dtu-pro gateway with 0 injection activated recently, I experience a lot of disconnection with the dtu-pro + ahyo-du I imagine that access to the inverters cannot be shared? when I unplug ahyo dtu no more disconnection with the dtu-pro gateway does it have a setting to prevent this I like ahyo-dtu I wish I could keep it, but I have to keep the 0 injection
yes, unfortunately running 2 dtu's with the same inverter(s) produces communication issues. sidenote: less on nrf24+ for the hm inverter series, up to critical on the hms/hmt series. there's nothing we can do about that, as it is a limitation of the inverters themselves.
Thank you for your reply the only solution is to support you so that the software evolves with the update of 0 injection in the near future of AHYO-DTU to get rid of the official DTU-PRO gateway The best of wishes for the future
we're currently in beta testing of our zero-export functionallity. So stay tuned by checking this repository again in approx. one month. There is also a discussion going on in Discord where you can join and maybe start as beta tester.
Great news out of curiosity today, I tried the dev version this morning AhoyDTU © 2024 Discord Github GIT SHA:b291ad1::0.8.112
not a single disconnection despite 0 injection HM inverter maybe lucky or not in the change log #DevelopmentChanges
0.8.112 - 2024-04-24
- improved wizard
- converted ePaper and Ethernet to hal-SPI
- improved network connection
0.8.111 - 2024-04-17
- fix MqTT discovery field
#1591 - fix Wifi reconnect for ESP32 #1589 #1575
- open link from
in new tab #1588 #1587 - merge PR: Disable upload and import buttons when no file is selected #1586 #1519