beatsaver-reloaded copied to clipboard
Rewrite has missing features
The initial release has been rushed, and some web UI stuff is still incomplete. Please refer to the project tracker for more info about what is still in progress.
BeatSaver Reloaded has been released early to coincide with a Beat Saber update to minimize downtime. Please do not report issues about missing features in the meantime.
the site always looked like it was unfinished, but it WORKED
i don't know if you mentionned this somewhere, but i have a temporary fix for users who only see source code on the page when they try to download a chart. i tried to copy the link marked as "download url", and just add "" at the beggining of it. it takes a minute to start the downloads, but it seems to work. sorry if this seems obvious, but i figured i would share it anyway (and also sorry for my bad english lol, i'm french)
Im new here, but after the update i cannot use beatdrop to search or download songs. when i click links in bsaver the open beatdrop and i get a 404: Song info not found. is this a know issue, or is there a fix i may have missed somewhere?
@Diskea This is likely an issue with BeatDrop, since the API has changed. I recommend you ask over at the BeatDrop Repo
Why are you remaking it? It was literally perfect before.
Not sure if it's something funky with the downloads through the API or some funky mod, but all the songs I've downloaded through the site after the rewrite aren't detected by the song loader plugin anymore. Has anyone been able to play a song they've downloaded?
beatsaver is now using 4 digits to number a song, like the latest "52ef" for <BLANKFIELD - Goodbye> when i try to download this song, the filename is "" this long name seems to be hash value? would you please shorter filename to "" or previous "" or other simple way?
my browser is firefox 60.7.0esr thanks~
The first 3 are on my internal plan already The last two are covered by #6
Links have a temporary redirect, but this is not going to stick around beyond a month or two, update your URLs.
URLs are easy to calculate based on the old keys.
register are disabled? how can i upload maps now
I have a trouble on uploading beatmaps; write some info, choose a zip file, click "Agree" on the popup screen, and then nothing happens. How can I progress and upload beatmaps?
If there is anything folks like me can do to help, please hit me up with information. 😄
how long before it will let me register an account?
@GIN-YAH same thing is happening to me, i haven't been able to upload since the website change.
@GIN-YAH @Tanger35O I don't know if it is because of that but I believe you now need to zip the files directly, not the folder containing them. You need to go inside the folder, select all the files and THEN choose compress
@BaliBalo It's not the case for me, I'm afraid. I placed the files directly in the root of zip file. It was working fine in the same way before the website renewal.
@GIN-YAH ask in the #support
channel on the BSMG server for help with uploads.
@GIN-YAH i'm using a very old computer that can barely run mediocremapper, but when i mapped at my friends house (he has a thousand dollar gaming pc) i could upload it just fine. so maybe it's just because our computers are slow.
hi lolpants
Registered but was sent no email to verify so can't upload maps. What to do now?
@smiley35 Check your spam
I've been checking both areas for days.
Finally go an account to verify, tried to upload a map, get error "beatmap does not contain an info.dat file" I checked the map it does contain an info.dat file. what to do now? Should I just wait until rewrite is finished?
@smiley35 make sure you zipped the contents of the folder and the folder isn't in the zip. if you've done that, just make sure that there are no extra non beatmap files.
That did the trick, thank you!
Don't know if you know how to fix this, but I have a beat Saber custom song installer for the Oculus Quest, the way you would get songs on it was by copy and pasting the link address of the song you wanted into a box and clicking download song, since BeatSaver has been changed, the new link addresses aren't working anymore, if anyone has a solution to this it would be very much appreciated
@JamesPM-1 I am using a quest also, I'm pretty sure the program you're using is NyanBlade's Question songs downloader, right? I used to use that, but it got buggy, so I use Sidequest now and it's much faster and more reliable. here you can download it: this works with the new links.
@Tanger35O Thanks! I will definitely try this and hopefully it works, thanks for the help
All the steps for downloading SideQuest went perfectly and I thank you for telling me about it, but it won't let me download custom songs. I tried downloading a custom song by first clicking the add to the quest button, but that creates an infinite loading screen that says "Saving to my custom levels". I also tried downloading the songs from BeatSaver and then unzipping them into the bsaber folder where all the custom songs are, but they don't show up to be selected and downloaded onto the quest.
Gentle reminder that this is not a place for general discussion.
@lolPants Sorry, I was just wondering if anyone could help
What is the "Beatmap Invalid" error? How can I fix it? And i'm pretty sure this is the problem @GIN-YAH was having too.
Two small suggestions:
- Can we have a OneClick install button on the main list so we don't have to click through to the song to quickly download and install it?
- Can we get the full timestamp on hover in the main list, so we don't have to click through to the song to check the timestamp?
@telos00 timestamp hover has been added as of a44251579f83a2d2ad20387f250af72e5ec46793
OneClick on the scrollers will take some more time due to the way the UI is currently laid out, but it's something I want to add.
when uploads will be UP again ?
I can't upload map. Please Help me !! @lolPants
@Tanger35O I just managed to get custom songs working again, thanks again for telling me about SideQuest otherwise I would still not be able to download songs now :)
idk well how much this website reconstruction was finished. but i just want to know when we will be able to get new access-token which enable us to vote downloaded songs? i wanna know seriously.
This project isn't dead is it?
It's not dead per se, I've just been really busy with work and life to work on things. It's open source so I encourage people to make PRs for features and I'll be happy to review them.
Never got verification email. Other friends have the same issue.
And yes we checked spam folders. We can't ask to resend the email.
@lolPants. Is it at the moment possible to register to beatsaver? I Never got verification email.
Did check the spam folders to.
Please fix soon :-)
Yay... I got i now!!
Suddenly I cant login to beastsaber. It says "There is no account with that username or email address." But there is, unless it has been deleted. Who can I contact about this issue?
Guys I log back in log back in guys
On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 16:32 Majorkrabbe [email protected] wrote:
Suddenly I cant login to beastsaber. It says "There is no account with that username or email address." But there is, unless it has been deleted. Who can I contact about this issue?
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@lolPants Hello, I just registered under the name "ezek" but I got no verification email sent. I already checked both my inbox and spam with no luck.
@lolPants Hello, I just registered under the name "ezek" but I got no verification email sent. I already checked both my inbox and spam with no luck.
Never mind, I was able to find the right people after some research. Apparently it's a problem with hotmail/outlook so I was verified manually.
When are the update of the site complete?
@lolPants Hello, I just registered under the name "ezek" but I got no verification email sent. I already checked both my inbox and spam with no luck.
Never mind, I was able to find the right people after some research. Apparently it's a problem with hotmail/outlook so I was verified manually.
Who did you write to?
@lolPants Hello, I just registered under the name "ezek" but I got no verification email sent. I already checked both my inbox and spam with no luck.
Never mind, I was able to find the right people after some research. Apparently it's a problem with hotmail/outlook so I was verified manually.
Who did you write to?
Assistant, who then sent me to Steven. It was through the Beat Saber modding group on discord.
Locking this thread as it's become off-topic. As a reminder, I do not run BeatSaver, this is just the code that powers it. I cannot help you with verifying your accounts.
This thread contains all the information needed to point you in the right place if that is what you came here to ask.