elm-i18n icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
elm-i18n copied to clipboard

DEPRECATED. SEE http://www.gizra.com/content/elm-i18n-type-safety/

NOTICE: This package is deprecated in favor of the pattern proposed by @amitaibu in this article. lukewestby/elm-i18n will not be updated for Elm 0.17 to help communicate deprecation.


I18n helps you generate a lookup function to easily internationalize your applications. It provides a fluent API for building out sets of Strings for different language identifiers and a helper for converting that configuration to a convenient function that allows selection of language and keys as well as interpolation that you can use right in your view functions.

This package is still in early stages and I'm actively seeking feedback and thinking about additional features. Any input and pull requests are very welcome and encouraged. If you'd like to help or have ideas, get in touch with me at @luke_dot_js on Twitter or @luke in the elmlang Slack!


import I18n exposing (withLanguage, createLookup, Language(Language))
-- ...

english : Language
english =
    Language "en-us"

french : Language
french =
    Language "fr-fr"

german : Language
german =
    Language "de-de"

lookup : Language -> String -> List String -> String
lookup =
        [ withLanguage
            [ ( "good day", "bonjour" )
            , ( "I am {0} years old.", "J'ai {0} ans." )
        , withLanguage
            [ ( "good day", "guten tag" )
            , ( "I am {0} years old.", "Ich bin {0} Jahre alt." )

currentLang : Language
currentLang =

i18nText : String -> List String -> String
i18nText =
    lookup currentLang

main =
    show (i18nText "I am {0} years old." ["24"])