Luke Weiler
Luke Weiler
### Bug Description When generating a problem for algebra/expanding, this error may come up: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 40, in main() # makes readme File...
Sympy and scipy are large and can result in generators requiring more code and longer loading times than are necessary. We should aim to replace the few scipy and sympy...
For some generators, the random value of the second value is limited by the random value of the first generated value. This can cause a bad distribution of generated problems,...
Generate a gif that quickly flips through examples of the many different types of problems that can be generated with mathgenerator. The gif generated from this would be showcased on...
### Bug Description Both in algebra
Funcs should generate latex output by default, but can be converted to asciimath or other with kwarg. Conversion can be handled by the Generator class using a LaTeX to asciimath...
Effects menu accessed when pressing + button. Could use tuna effects which are built in to Wad. Also, see:
Would cut loading times in half
After each track is loaded, more memory is consume. Could have something to do with Wads being stored in an array
from off to bright red lights moving from center out over the span of half a second and then dimming into regular colors