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Question: UsingTemplateFromEmbedded for compiled Views in ASP.NET Core 2.1

Open VaclavElias opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments


I cannot find any reference for this scenario in your Documentation.

My website name Project.Web compiles to Project.Web.dll and Project.Web.Views.dll.

I have got a standard folder structure and in Views I have got: ~/Views/Email/Alert.cshtml.

This Views folder is automatically compiled to Project.Web.Views.dll.

How can I reference it correctly through UsingTemplateFromEmbedded as the assembly actually doesn't exist at the time of development and the compiled view is not in Project.Web.dll which I could easily reference?

await email.To("[email protected]")
                .Subject("Test Email")
                .UsingTemplateFromEmbedded("Project.Web.Views.cshtml", model, assembly)

Hope that my question makes a sense? :)


VaclavElias avatar Aug 07 '18 11:08 VaclavElias

I guess you should use the Default Namespace from the project properties and then add the path the to cshtml: Root.Sample.Project.Templates.MyTemplate.cshtml

sguryev avatar Nov 09 '18 06:11 sguryev

@lukencode @bjcull Guys could you please describe a best way practice for using the Embedded views? Let's say we have a library (EmailService) with all the Templates which is shared across the several ASP.NET Core 2.1 projects in the solutions. We should change the Build action of the templates to Embedded resource by adding something like

    <EmbeddedResource Include="Templates\**" />

right to the library project.

As is it will cause the runtime error like Cannot find compilation library location for package 'Microsoft.NETCore.App' after publishing. So we have to go to the published ASP.NET Core 2.1 application csproj file and add the line:


Which causes the publishing of the refs folder (which is pretty big) for the Razor for Embedded and not precompiled views.

Is it a best way? Maybe we shoule precompile Templates instead (since embedded resource doesn't allow to change the template like text file on the fly and requires DLL publishing for updating)?

References I have: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51269559/razor-templates-cannot-find-compilation-library-location-for-package/51269560#51269560 https://github.com/toddams/RazorLight/issues/203 https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/6021

sguryev avatar Nov 09 '18 07:11 sguryev