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Random Quotes API

Results 21 quotable issues
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It would be helpful if other then English you can get quotes in other languages based on request.

:pray: help wanted
:bulb: type: feature

## Feature For Each Quotes, add genre as parameter and we can filter based on it. I can see that tag is also used for same purpose but not exactly...

:zap: type: enhancement

We are using the API to demo the bruzu API use case.

## Author Image Feature ### Feature Request - To add author_image field or author_image_link field. This update will look to add another feature in feature-rich Quote API. It would be...

:bulb: type: feature

Attempting to use this for a bootcamp project, but it seems to be down. Will it be coming back up soon?

:heavy_check_mark: status: fixed
:warning: API is down

Bumps [mongoose](https://github.com/Automattic/mongoose) from 6.4.0 to 6.4.6. Release notes Sourced from mongoose's releases. 6.4.6 / 2022-07-20 fix(schema): disallow setting proto when creating schema with dotted properties #12085 fix(document): avoid mutating original...


I just started to use this API for my app and I found navigating through all the documentation in one README file a little complicated. I suggest using a static...

In Page22, _id -aFzTtY-Ls Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response. In Page23,_id -aFzTtY-Ls Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition...

**Describe the bug** Getting empty array for tags: ```athletics``` and ```proverb``` **To Reproduce** 1. Open an API client (Postman or Chrome or Thunder client) 2. Make the following API request...

:bug: type: bug
:memo: type: content issue

Hi bro. I found that Tag Name "Work" is duplicate. Please see it. Thanks.