Zhengbo Wang
Zhengbo Wang
https://r4ds.hadley.nz/whole-game Edit: maybe same as #1625
- [x] closes #9157 - [ ] tests added / passed. - [ ] code/documentation is well formatted. - [ ] properly formatted commit message. See [NumPy's guide](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.1/dev/gitwash/development_workflow.html#writing-the-commit-message). **Notes**: *...
xref https://github.com/pola-rs/polars/pull/15948#issuecomment-2082792776 and a follow-up PR of #15948 Fix wrong `dtype` when create `pl.Series` from `pd.Series`. when ```python print(pl.Series("foo", pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype='Int64'), pl.Float32)) ``` before ```python shape: (3,) Series:...
- [x] closes #58474 (Replace xxxx with the GitHub issue number) - [ ] [Tests added and passed](https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/development/contributing_codebase.html#writing-tests) if fixing a bug or adding a new feature - [ ]...
[Regression diagnostics - statsmodels 0.15.0 (+270)](https://www.statsmodels.org/devel/examples/notebooks/generated/regression_diagnostics.html#Regression-diagnostics) [Regression diagnostics - statsmodels 0.14.1](https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/examples/notebooks/generated/regression_diagnostics.html#Regression-diagnostics) Some links in both stable and development versions are broken.
regression diagnostics: - Add explanations for Durbin-Watson and Kurtosis. - Include DW-test and Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelation. - Reorder some parts for better readability stats.html - Reorder and add subtitle...
The pvalue description in the `weightstats.py` file has been updated from "pvalue of the t-test" to "pvalue of the z-test". This change ensures accurate documentation of the statistical test being...
closes #16038 Before ```python pl.Datetime(time_zone="invalid_time_zone") # Datetime(time_unit='us', time_zone='invalid_time_zone') pl.Datetime(time_zone=object()) # Datetime(time_unit='us', time_zone=) pl.Series([datetime(2020, 1, 1)], dtype=pl.Datetime(time_zone='cabbage')) # ComputeError: unable to parse time zone: 'cabbage'. Please check the Time Zone Database...