django-nucleus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-nucleus copied to clipboard

Clean & minimal theme for Django admin with support for custom sidebar and already prepared dashboard components.

Screenshot Screenshot


Django Nucleus is Django admin theme extending default admin CSS styles.

Getting started

  1. Installation
pip install django-nucleus

or if you are using pipenv

pipenv install django-nucleus
  1. Add nucleus into INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file before django.contrib.admin.

  2. Update context_processors by adding new context processor nucleus.context_processors.nucleus

Nucleus settings

_ = lambda s: s  # Translations in setting file

    'sidebar': {
        # Title
        'title': _('Custom title'),

        # Footer
        'footer': {
            'title': _('Custom title'),
            'description': _('Longer text displayed below the title'),

        # Navigation
        'navigation': {
            # Application
            'auth': {
                'title': _('Accounts'),  # Override title
                'icon': 'img/custom-icon.svg'  # Optional

            # Model
            'auth.User': {
                'title': _('Users'),
                'icon': 'img/custom-icon.svg'  # Optional

Custom dashboard page

from django.contrib.admin.apps import AdminConfig

class AppAdminConfig(AdminConfig):
    default_site = 'app.admin.AppAdmin'

from django.contrib.admin import AdminSite

class AppAdmin(AdminSite):
    def index(self, request, extra_context=None):
        # Update extra_context with new variables
        return super().index(request, extra_context)

    # 'django.contrib.admin',    


{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
{% load i18n static %}

{% block bodyclass %}{{ block.super }} dashboard{% endblock %}

{% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
{% endblock %}



return render_to_string('nucleus/components/heading.html', {    
    'title': 'Title,
    'subtitle': 'Subtitle,
    'image': 'img/image.png', # Optional image
    'rounded': True, # Rounded corners, optional
    'initials': 'LV', # Optional text of the image is not available
    'background_color': 'red' # Optional background color

Stat item

return render_to_string('nucleus/components/stat_item.html', {
    value: '5269',
    title: 'Units Sold',
    subtitle: 'Avg. 351 per week', 
    label: '-12%',


return render_to_string('nucleus/components/chart.html', {
    series: '{"labels": ["1", "2", "3"], "datasets": [{"data": [1, 2, 3]}]}', # JSON object
    height: 360,  # Optional 

Signed number

return render_to_string('nucleus/components/signed_number.html', {
    'value': 21.87,  # Value which will be compared
    'display': '$21.87 ',  # For example string with currency to display (django-money object)


return render_to_string('nucleus/components/progress.html', {
    'value': 32,  # Value in percent in this case it will be (style="width: 32%")


return render_to_string('nucleus/components/progress.html', {
    'title': _('Active'),
    'class': 'success',  # Optional. Accepted values: success, info, error 

User avatar

To display user avatar in top right corner before the currently signed user you can implement two methods in user model:

  • get_initials
  • get_avatar
