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ElasticSearch Javascript client

h3. Note:

I did not have a chance to work on JavaScript client for ES for some time now, thus this code can be outdated a bit. Hopefully, I will get back to it soon (still contributions are welcome, although I have a plan to rework current code base significantly).

h1. ElasticSearch Javascript Client

Implementation of Javascript client for Elastic Search supporting jQuery (this is still work in progress). All Node related stuff has been moved to a new offspring project "node.es":http://github.com/lukas-vlcek/node.es

h2. Javascript client

The following is a simple example:

        ElasticSearch-js: simple example
    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/json2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/elasticsearch.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/elasticsearch-jquery.js"></script>

        <input value="cluster state" id="state" type="button">,
        <input value="cluster health" id="health" type="button">,
        <input value="cluster nodes info" id="nodes_info" type="button">

    <div id="output" style="white-space: pre; font-family: monospace;"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var displayJSON = function(data, xhr){ $("#output").empty().append(JSON.stringify(data, null, '  ')); };

        var es = new ElasticSearch({callback: displayJSON}); // by default connecting to localhost:9200

        $("#state").click(function(){ es.adminClusterState() });
        $("#health").click(function(){ es.adminClusterHealth({level: "shards"}) });
        $("#nodes_info").click(function(){ es.adminClusterNodeInfo() });


Source code of this example can be found here: "simple.html":http://github.com/lukas-vlcek/elasticsearch-js/blob/master/demo/simple.html.

For more examples check "demo":http://github.com/lukas-vlcek/elasticsearch-js/blob/master/demo folder.