Luiz Rodrigo Martins Barbosa
Luiz Rodrigo Martins Barbosa
I believe this topic was already addressed in other questions in Github and via Slack, `projection` is always the way to go. If there's any other pending question here, please...
This is closed and it will be handled as part of upcoming documentation.
Closing due to inactivity, I believe the question was addressed.
The problem is that we should not assume IO runs on the main thread. We could run IO in a background process, or IO itself could start a background task...
Hi @haifengkao, Thanks for reporting! Do you have a sample code that reproduces this crash? Is this happening on new Xcode beta or also in the 14? The fact that...
Hi @haifengkao , Thanks for sharing the code. I don't have my mac with me currently, so I'm testing on iPad Playgrounds and therefore the diagnostics are not as good...
Yeah, having the 13k instances doesn't crash, because if I remove the "reduce" portion it doesn't crash, so indeed the problem is having 13k nested closures when I use ``....
Hi @haifengkao , I'm currently traveling and couldn't take a look into this, as I don't have access to my Macbook here. If you find a reasonable solution I will...
Hi @armoona, First of all, I'm sorry for the late reply! Been busy lately and couldn't monitor Github as much as I wish in the past days. I believe your...
Hi @wangpeiyan, I'm currently traveling and with no access to my Macbook. I'll return working on these topics somewhere in August, but before that I believe my comment should already...