Luiz Rodrigo Martins Barbosa
Luiz Rodrigo Martins Barbosa
Hi @lfongaroScp I changed a lot this code since I posted the response but I've never edited the response. My new approach is not solving everything in a single pipeline...
And please ignore `maybeDelaySubscription` line, it's just a helper ```swift extension ObservableType { public func maybeDelaySubscription(_ dueTime: DispatchTimeInterval?, scheduler: SchedulerType) -> Observable { guard let dueTime = dueTime else {...
Hi, I'm able to reproduce 100% of the times this problem, with any pod, statically or dynamically linked. I'm trying with Xcode 11.2, 11.2.1 and 11.3 beta, and if the...
Thanks @amorde , I'm gonna try later today and share my findings. So far my workaround is creating the preview in any file that is in the Main App target,...
Hi @amorde, I've added 2 branches to my repo: - Carthage ( that uses Carthage to build externally the Frameworks and embedding using Xcode - Manual ( that adds RxSwift...
Thanks for the support. From my side I'll try to understand better the issue when I have some time and will share here if I learn something.
Hi @nicerice Thanks to your suggestion I managed to make preview work again. Very nice workaround. I think I didn't follow exactly what you suggested, because my logs pointed me...
Hi @cltnschlosser For now I am using a Xcode Build Phase of type run script, and running this: ``` cp -R "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/SwiftRex/SwiftRex.framework" "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH" cp -R "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/CombineRex/CombineRex.framework" "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH" cp -R "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/RxSwift/RxSwift.framework"...
Because the env vars are different when building for preview, I believe there should be a way to write this script that works regardless if it's build or preview. I...
Closing this as it's a problem in Combine, that still happens in recent versions of Swift (5.8). A workaround is to write your own Remove Duplicates. I just wrote an...