Luiza Andrade
Luiza Andrade
I'm getting the following error message when using `skimr` 2.1.5 on R 4.2.3: ``` Error in `dplyr::summarize()`: ℹ In argument: `skimmed = purrr::map2(...)`. Caused by error in `purrr::map2()`: ℹ In...
I have a project at the Lab that needs to create a balance table with two panels. So I figured I'd implement this in `iebaltab`. My idea was to have...
I think adding the same trimming functionality that we already have in `iecodebook` have would be great!
if `isid` is not true, `iesave` checks ``` capture assert !missing(`idvars') count if missing(`idvars') ``` however, `missing()` does not take varlists as inputs
The following code ``` ieboilstart, v(17.0) `r(version)' sysuse auto, clear preserve ieboilstart, v(17.0) `r(version)' ``` Returns the following error message: ``` multiple frames in memory r(459); ``` We may need...
Ideally, keys should not only *uniquely* identify observations, but also *fully* identify them. It would be great to at least have the option to not count NAs as unique values.
Continuing education Dec 2020