mahotas copied to clipboard
"Input data has unexpected types" - Bug in mahotas.features.lbp.lbp
Stack Trace -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/MS/Courses/CSE 515 MWDB/Project/Phase1/", line 41, in <module>
File "C:\MS\Courses\CSE 515 MWDB\Project\Phase1\", line 66, in local_binary_pattern
feature = lbp(image, radius=3, points=16)
File "C:\Users\fateh\anaconda3\envs\Phase1\lib\site-packages\mahotas\features\", line 151, in lbp
codes = lbp_transform(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=ignore_zeros, preserve_shape=False)
File "C:\Users\fateh\anaconda3\envs\Phase1\lib\site-packages\mahotas\features\", line 75, in lbp_transform
select(shift(image, [radius*dy,radius*dx], order=1)))
File "C:\Users\fateh\anaconda3\envs\Phase1\lib\site-packages\mahotas\", line 289, in shift
_interpolate.zoom_shift(array, None, shift, output, order, mode2int[mode], cval)
RuntimeError: mahotas.zoom_shift: input data has unexpected types. This may be a bug in mahotas.
Code -
from mahotas.features.lbp import lbp
feature = lbp(image, radius=3, points=16)
gives (64, 64) which is as expected (a 2d array)
gives <class 'numpy.ndarray'> which is as expected (i.e. 2-D numpy ndarray)
Can you perhaps post the image?
What is the dtype
(i.e., print(image.dtype))