Luis Mañez

Results 34 comments of Luis Mañez

Have a look to this sample using MSAL for Java. It´s about calling Graph API, but should be similar to call SharePoint, but changing how the Azure AD App is...

I´ve been in touch with some Microsoft engineers, and now the app@sharepoint user is not needed anymore. I´ve tested it in my different Tenants and is working fine. @mbice I...

Is there any update here? we´re also facing this issue. Our project is using a pretty up to date version of the package ```Microsoft.Identity.Web.MicrosoftGraph```, which is referencing ```Microsoft.Graph 4.11``` We´ve...

Hitting this same issue. In my case after migrating a FunctionApp from .net core 3.1 to .net 6. Using PnP Framework 1.9.40-nightly.

In my case (and pretty sure yours too), this issue is because your project (or one of its dependencies), is referencing a greater version of the MS Graph SDK, and...

This is an issue with the Graph Toolkit (mgt-spfx). Have you deployed the ```@microsoft/mgt-spfx``` package first to your AppCatalog? Have a look to this link: it says: > Before...

Have you created the SharePoint list with the Stories content, as specified in the file? Can you open DevTools and see if there´s any issue with the Requests in...

Please, take a couple of screenshots from DevTools (Console and Network tabs). I have no idea what´s going on. A couple of months ago, I updated the sample and everything...

This is weird. One of the first things the webpart does, is to call SP REST API to get the items from the Stories list ```/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Stories')/RenderListDataAsStream```, but I don´t see...

There are no updates. They need more hands to remove the dependency on the SDK, which is not easy and requires a lot of tests. Our "workaround" was to download...