kde-material-you-colors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kde-material-you-colors copied to clipboard

Automatic color scheme generator from your wallpaper for KDE Plasma powered by Material You

🎨 KDE Material You Colors

Automatic Material You Colors Generator from your wallpaper for the Plasma Desktop

This is a Python script that uses the Python implementation of Google's Material Color Utilities to generate a Material Design 3 color scheme. Which is used to generate Light and Dark Color Themes for KDE (and pywal if installed) from your current wallpaper, automatically.


Video demo:


Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Installing
    • Arch Linux
    • Other distributions
    • Optional features
  • Running from terminal
    • Options
  • Startup script
    • Removing the autostart script
  • Changing Current Wallpaper plugin
  • Working Wallpaper plugins
  • Configuration
  • Notes
    • Bug reporting / Feature requests
  • Thanks & Credits


  • Update automatically on wallpaper change
  • Configurarion file
  • Support for selecting Wallpaper plugin from seconday monitors (check Configuration section)
  • Alternative Material You color selection
  • Dark an Light Color schemes
  • Dark and Light Icon theme
  • Multiple wallpaper plugins supported
  • Pywal support to theme other programs using Material You Colors
  • Tint SierraBreeze decoration buttons
  • Dynamically update Konsole color scheme (check Configuration section for instructions)


Arch Linux

Other distributions

  1. Clone/download this repository and cd to it
git clone https://github.com/luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors --branch main --single-branch --depth 1
cd kde-material-you-colors
  1. Make the installer executable and run it as root

For Ubuntu based distros:

chmod +x install-ubuntu-based.sh
sudo ./install-ubuntu-based.sh

For Fedora based distros:

chmod +x install-fedora-based.sh
sudo ./install-fedora-based.sh


Fetch latest changes:

cd kde-material-you-colors
git fetch --depth 1
git reset --hard origin/main
git clean -dfx

Repeat step 2

Optional features

  • Install the Colr python module to display colored palette and seed colors from terminal
  • Install the pywal python module to theme other programs using Material You Colors

You may need to update to latest Plasma 5.24 due to a BUG related to this one that blocks this program from getting the current wallpaper.

Running from terminal

  • Run kde-material-you-colors from terminal, if you use the default wallpaper plugin on your main screen (0) this should change your Desktop colors right after.

NOTE: your wallpaper will be reset to Image Wallpaper Plugin

  • If you use a multimonitor setup and want your wallpaper from other screen or use a different wallpaper plugin find your desired configuration by experimenting with the following:


--monitor, -m [NUMBER]  Monitor to get wallpaper (default is 0) but second one is 6 in my case, play with this to find yours

--plugin -p [ID]  Wallpaper plugin id (default is org.kde.image) you can find them in: /usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/ or /.local/share/plasma/wallpapers

--file -f [ABSOLUTE_PATH]  Text file that contains wallpaper absolute path (Takes precedence over the above options)

--ncolor -n [NUMBER]  Alternative color mode (default is 0), some images return more than one color, this will use either the matched or last one

--light -l  Enable Light mode (default is Dark)

--dark -d  Enable Dark mode (ignores user config)

--autostart -a  Enable (copies) the startup script to automatically start with KDE

--copyconfig -c  Copies the default config to ~/.config/kde-material-you-colors/config.conf

--iconslight [ICONS-NAME]  Icons for Dark scheme

--iconsdark [ICONS-NAME]  Icons for Light scheme

--pywallight -wall  Use pywal Light scheme

--pywaldark -wald  Use pywal Dark scheme

--lbmultiplier [NUMBER], -lbm [NUMBER]  The amount of color for backgrounds in Light mode (value from 0 to 4.0, default is 1)

--dbmultiplier [NUMBER], -dbm [NUMBER]  The amount of color for backgrounds in Dark mode (value from 0 to 4.0, default is 1)

--on-change-hook [COMMAND]  A script/command that will be executed on start or wallpaper/dark/light/settings change

--sierra-breeze-buttons-color, -sbb  Tint Sierra Breeze decoration buttons

--konsole-profile [KONSOLE_PROFILE], -kp [KONSOLE_PROFILE]  The name of your (existing) Konsole profile that is going to be themed, you can check your current profiles with konsole --list-profiles

--sbe-titlebar-opacity [OPACITY], -sbeto [OPACITY]  Sierra Breeze Enhanced titlebar opacity (value from 0 to 100, default is None)

--toolbar-opacity [OPACITY], -to [OPACITY]  ToolBar opacity, needs Lightly Application Style (value from 0 to 100, default is None)

--konsole-opacity [OPACITY], -ko [OPACITY]  Konsole background opacity (value from 0 to 100, default is None)

Startup script

  1. Copy the default configuration to ~/.config/kde-material-you-colors/config.conf:

kde-material-you-colors -c

  1. Enable script to automatically start with Plasma:

kde-material-you-colors -a

  1. Reboot or logout/login to see the changes,

NOTE: your wallpaper will be reset to Image Wallpaper Plugin

Removing the autostart script

  1. Open System Settings > Startup and Shutdown
  2. Remove kde-material-you-colors by clicking on the - button.

Changing Current Wallpaper plugin

Use the configuration file !!

Using Plasma Wallpaper Settings may Crash Plasmashell and will set again the plugin from Configuration file

Working Wallpaper plugins

This is a list of compatible Plasma Wallpaper Plugins

Name ID
Image (default) org.kde.image
Picture of the day org.kde.potd
Slideshow org.kde.slideshow
Plain color org.kde.color
Inactive Blur com.github.zren.inactiveblur (latest)


Open ~/.config/kde-material-you-colors/config.conf

# Run kde-material-you-colors with no arguments from terminal
# to debug your configuration changing in real time.
# NOTE: 
# Any argument passed from the command line overrides their counterpart here.

# Monitor to get wallpaper from 
# For me main is 0 but second one is 6, play with this to find yours
# Default is 0
monitor = 0

# Wallpaper plugin id you can find them in: /usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/ 
# or /.local/share/plasma/wallpapers for user installed.

# below are some working wallpaper plugins
# Default:                 org.kde.image
# Picture of the day is:   org.kde.potd
# Slideshow:               org.kde.slideshow
# Plain color:             org.kde.color
# Inactive Blur:           com.github.zren.inactiveblur 
# Note: Inactive Blur requires latest from https://github.com/Zren/plasma-wallpapers for kde plasma 5.25+

plugin = org.kde.image

# File containing absolute path of an image (Takes precedence over the above options as they are no longer needed)
# Commented by default
#file = /tmp/000_eDP-1_current_wallpaper

# Enable Light mode
# Accepted values are True or False
# Default is False
# Comment out to follow System Color Setting instead  (MaterialYou schemes only)
light = False

# Alternative color mode (default is 0), some images return more than one color, this will use either the matched or last color
# Default is 0
ncolor = 0

# Light scheme icons 
# Commented by default
#iconslight = Papirus-Light

# Dark scheme icons 
# Commented by default
#iconsdark = Papirus-Dark

# Use pywal to theme other programs using Material You colors
# https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/wiki/Customization
# You need to install pywal python module first
# Accepted values are True or False
# Commented by default

# Force light/dark mode for pywal and/or Konsole
# Accepted values are True or False comment out to dark/light scheme 
# Commented by default (Follows light option above)
# Theming konsole only doesn't require pywal, just setting konsole_profile below
#pywal_light = False

# The amount of perceptible color for backgrounds in dark mode
# A number between 0 and 4.0 (limited for accessibility purposes)
# Defaults to 1 if not set
#light_blend_multiplier = 1.0

# The amount of perceptible color for backgrounds in dark mode
# A number between 0 and 4.0 (limited for accessibility purposes)
# Defaults to 1 if not set
#dark_blend_multiplier = 1.0

# A script/command that will be executed on start or wallpaper/dark/light/settings change
# example below using https://github.com/vlevit/notify-send.sh to send a desktop notification:
#on_change_hook = notify-send.sh "kde-material-you-colors" "This is a test" -t 2000

# Tint Sierra Breeze decoration buttons https://github.com/kay0u/SierraBreeze
# Accepted values are True or False
# Default is False
# This WILL OVERWRITE any set colors and reload KWin (screen will blink on x11)
#sierra_breeze_buttons_color = True

# Dynamically updated Konsole color scheme
# Accepted value is the name of your current Konsole profile, except TempMyou and Default profile as is read only
# Default is commented (disabled)
# This makes a temp profile named TempMyou.profile and MaterialYou/MaterialYouAlt color schemes to switch between them automatically in all open Konsole instances
# You can make direct changes to your profile, but for the color scheme edit MaterialYou one
# I recommend you to backup the ~/.local/share/konsole/ folder before trying this because it will edit your profiles 
#konsole_profile = Profile 1

# Konsole background opacity 
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (disabled)
#konsole_opacity = 75

# Sierra Breeze Enhanced Title Bar opacity https://github.com/kupiqu/SierraBreezeEnhanced
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (disabled)
# This will reload KWin (screen will blink on x11)
#sbe_titlebar_opacity = 50

# ToolBar opacity needs Lightly Application Style to work https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (disabled)
# kirigami ToolBar opacity is not affected by this option https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly/issues/128
#toolbar_opacity = 75

And run kde-material-you-colors with no arguments from terminal to test it.

  OR Manually delete ~/.config/autostart/kde-material-you-colors.desktop

  1. Logout/Reboot


  • As throwaway6560192 pointed out, the evaluateScript DBus call doesn't return any output, to get the current wallpaper this script uses print(), but the journal gets spammed by plasmashell with the wallpaper data. If you know a better way of doing this please tell me.
  • To update color with plasma-apply-colorscheme, the file containing the new color scheme must have a different name than the current one, to workaround this it creates two scheme files with different names, then applies one after the other. As a result you end up with duplicated color schemes and maybe some lag while updating schemes.

Bug reporting / Feature requests

  • If you encounter a problem or have an idea for a cool feature don't hesitate to open an issue using the issue templates, pull requests are also welcomed.

Thanks & Credits