git-cheat-sheet copied to clipboard
Git Cheat Sheet
- Configure
- Create repositories
- Make changes
- Group changes
- Refactor filenames
- Suppress tracking
- Save fragments
- Review history
- Redo commits
- Synchronize changes
Git Cheat Sheet
- Configure
git config –global "[name]"
- Sets the name you want attached to your commit transactions
git config –global "[email address]"
- Sets the email you want attached to your commit transactions
git config –global color.ui auto
- Enables helpful colorization of command line output
git config –global push.default current
- Update a branch with the same name as current branch if no refspec is given
git config –global core.editor [editor]
- Which editor to use when commit and tag that lets you edit messages
git config –global diff.tool [tool]
- Specify which command to invoke as the specified tool for git difftool
- Create repositories
git init [project-name]
- Creates a new local repository with the specified name
git clone [url]
- Downloads a project and its entire version history
- Make changes
git status
- Lists all new or modified files to be committed
git status -s
- Short view of status
git diff
- Shows file differences not yet staged
git add [file]
- Snapshots the file in preparation for versioning
git add .
- Add all modified files to be commited
git add '*.txt'
- Add only certain files
git add –patch filename.x (or -p for short)
- Snapshot only chunks of a file
git rm [file]
- Tell git not to track the file anymore
git diff --cached
- Show what has been added to the index via git add but not yet committed
git diff HEAD
- Shows what has changed since the last commit.
git diff HEAD^
- Shows what has changed since the commit before the latest commit
git diff [branch]
- Compare current branch to some other branch
git difftool -d
- Same as diff, but opens changes via difftool that you have configured
git difftool -d master..
- See only changes made in the current branch
git diff –no-commit-id –name-only –no-merges origin/master…
- See only the file names that has changed in current branch
git diff –stat
- See statistics on what files have changed and how
git reset [file]
- Unstages the file, but preserves its contents
git commit
- Record changes to git. Default editor will open for a commit message
git commit -m "[descriptive message]"
- Records file snapshots permanently in version history
git commit –amend
- Change the history, editing the HEAD commit
git commit --fixup=[sha]; git rebase -i --autosquash
- Change the history, editing a specific commit other than HEAD
git rebase -i HEAD~5
- Change the history, reword/edit/squash/fix a group of latest commits
- Group changes
git branch
- Lists all local branches in the current directory
git branch [branch-name]
- Create a new branch
git checkout [branch-name]
- Switches to the specified branch and updates the working directory
git checkout -b <name> <remote>/<branch>
- Switches to a remote branch
git checkout [filename]
- Return file to it's previous version, if it hasn’t been staged yet
git merge [branch]
- Combines the specified branch's history into the current branch
git merge –no–ff [branch]
- Merge branch without fast forwarding
git branch -a
- See the full list of local and remote branches
git branch -d [branch]
- Deletes the specified branch
git branch -D [branch]
- Hard branch delete, will not complain
git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
- Rename a branch
- Refactor filenames
git rm [file]
- Deletes the file from the working directory and stages the deletion
git rm –cached [file]
- Removes the file from version control but preserves the file locally
git mv [file-original] [file-renamed]
- Changes the file name and prepares it for commit
- Suppress tracking
- .gitignore
- *.log
- build/
- temp-*
- A text file named .gitignore suppresses accidental versioning of files and paths matching the specified patterns
git ls-files –other –ignored –exclude-standard
- Lists all ignored files in this project
- .gitignore
- Save fragments
git stash
- Temporarily stores all modified tracked files
git stash pop
- Restores the most recently stashed files
git stash list
- Lists all stashed changesets
git stash drop
- Discards the most recently stashed changeset
- Review history
git log
- Lists version history for the current branch
git log –follow [file]
- Lists version history for a file, including renames
git log –pretty=format:"%h %s" –graph
- Pretty commit view, you can customize it as much as you want
git log –author='Name' –after={1.week.ago} –pretty=oneline –abbrev-commit
- See what the author has worked on in the last week
git log ––no-merges master..
- See only changes in this branch
git diff [file-branch]…[second-branch]
- Shows content differences between two branches
git show [commit]
- Outputs metadata and content changes of the specified commit
git rev-parse --short HEAD
- Check sha1/unique name of HEAD commit
- Redo commits
git reset
- Unstage pending changes, the changes will still remain on file system
git reset [commit/tag]
- Undoes all commits after [commit], preserving changes locally
git reset –hard [commit]
- Discards all history and changes back to the specified commit
- Synchronize changes
git fetch [bookmark]
- Downloads all history from the repository bookmark
git fetch -p
- Update history of remote branches, you can fetch and purge
git merge [bookmark]/[branch]
- Combines bookmark's branch into current local branch
git push
- Push current branch to remote branch
git push [remote] [branch]
- Manually specify remote and branch to use every time
git push -u origin master
- If a remote branch is not set up as an upstream, you can make it so
git pull
- Downloads bookmark history and incorporates changes
git pull [remote] [branch]
- Specify to pull a specific branch
git remote
- See list of remote repos available
git remote -v
- Detailed view of remote repos available
git remote add [remote] [url]
- Add a new remote