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Capitalize Filter Name
Hey there, is there a way to get the title of the filter to be capitalized?
I've tried playing around with the HTML list item's "data" name. And, with the CSS's "text-transform: capitalize;" command, but neither method works. My guess is that the case of the filter title gets stripped because it's being assigned in the jQuery commands themselves. I notice on your example pages all the filter titles are in lowercase lettering.
I love the filter program. Thanks for building it. I'm a novice when it comes to jQuery, so this is a huge help.
I had the same problem, here's my solution. Since "text-transform" didn't work cross-browser, I added to the JS file.
Right after: field = name.replace(/data-/gi, "").replace(/-/gi, " ");
Insert this on the next line: field = field.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); });
That seemed to work for me.
That's great! Thank you @gvilcins . I'll use your solution next time. This time I did a workaround: used CSS's "content" element to add a capitalized filter title in place of the icon font. The only catch is that you lose the little bulleted icon. My client liked the look of it though.
Thank`s for the solution!