Hi all, started experiencing the same issue. What is generating the empty file in my case is the following code: BackgroundGeolocation.on('location', (location) => { // handle your locations here //...
Running uglijs manually, I get BackgroundGeolocation.on('location', (position) => { ERROR: Unexpected token: operator (>) How could I fix it considering is legitimate js code? Thanks
I'm trying And it seems to solve the issue. In uglify hook I changed this line: var UglifyJS = require(path.join(dependencyPath, 'uglify-js')); to var UglifyJS = require(path.join(dependencyPath, 'uglify-es')); So far...
Cool, thanks!
@rossmartin thank you. I'm not familiar with ES6 enough to confirm if transpiling back to ES5 can affect the functionality. Could you please confirm? If no issue, I'm happy with...
Thank you. Is there a way to include the transpile into cordova-uglify to avoid multiple steps? Thanks Luigi
Thanks Ross, it would be much appreciated. Specifically I'm using Cordova with Framework7... Anyway it's a specific cordova plugin which I use which brought me to the ES6 thing... Luigi
Hi Ross, no problem at all. Thanks for save license More than problem with Frameworks is problem with already minified frameworks... So you suggest to exclude directories? Thanks Luigi