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Continued development
Is virtuality still being developed. It appears there haven't been any commits in a couple of months (as opposed to bespin which seemed to have commits on a regular basis)
Sure it is - got a specific item of interest? (Next thing is actually a decoration for KWin/5)
The major difference towards bespin is that virtuality existed for quite some time as a private project (before I decided to release it), thus most development was done before the actual first commit.
2015-07-11 13:02 GMT+02:00 Beojan Stanislaus [email protected]:
Is virtuality still being developed. It appears there haven't been any commits in a couple of months (as opposed to bespin which seemed to have commits on a regular basis)
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That was the main thing I was thinking of. Also, perhaps, XBar for plasma 5.
I hope, that project is not dead.
no progress :( Thomas, all we need good tunable kwin engine, like bespin was
Sorry to say, but after 15 years as user and 10 as a developer, i've given up on Qt (and KDE) because of the drive towards QML, which I believe to be unfixable. I haven't been using either since more than a year and I currently don't see a change on this.
I think you're over-emphasizing the drive toward QML. Qt Widgets are still supported, and seem to still be the primary method of development on the desktop. QML is aimed more at embedded development, custom widgets, and things like Plasma widgets.
Nevertheless, KottV, you may want to try QtCurve (though that too direly needs a KWin engine). It ideally also needs a more powerful gradient engine, so we can use Bespin's gradients with QtCurve.
I think I've seen enough bugs regarding "something crashed, QML is involved and there's no way to know what it is" or "QML isn't contradiction free and some idiot caused a recursion over the event loop in his declaration" bugs incoming on as well as "Q_DEAD_CODE_FROM_QT4_*" branches in QWidget to half-wise know what I'm deciding - I didn't rush such opinion, it grew over almost two years. QML is being used in random config dialogs (causing trouble) the aurorae kwin deco (causing crash over crash) all plasmashell (causing cpu hogs) ... and it's an inferior implementation of an idea that was stupid when oracle dumped it under the label "javafx".
beojan, I'm using qtcurve for long time bespin has had super ability to place window's header at a side (not at top) I can understand luebking's unwilling to continue dealing with QML, but I do not see relation of QML with KWin decoration engine (