virtuality copied to clipboard
qt5 colors
Asjusting the colors on virtuality dialog have no effect
Do you use "virtuality" or one of the substyles (flynn/sienar/virtualbreeze)? - latter have a hardcoded palette.
i assume you do not run KDE?
I do, Archlinux KDE 4.13.1 With, and without enviroment variable for qt5 style, with qt5 -style flag, same color palette for qt4 virtuality, kf5 packages, all qt5 libraries installed
Hi, I am also on arch linux, running kde4, with BE:Shell. Qt5 apps have kde 4 color scheme set from kf5 plasma next (system settings) not normal kde4 session, that's how I setup my virtuality color scheme for qt5, but if i run any qt5 app from konsole they use default color scheme, and not only that i had to add QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Virtuality to bash.rc because they used fusion (maybe with right color scheme i don't remember) so i force virtuality but the color scheme is wrong.. If i run anything from krunner or menu or be:shell's runner it works properly.. KF5 creates .config5 folder with Trolltech.conf and qt5 reads color scheme from there not .config/Trolltech.conf. That is my understanding of the problem..
I tried to create .config5/Trolltech.conf under gnome, kde free system and qt5 apps simply ignore it. They also ignore style set from qtconfig-qt4 and there is no qtconfig for qt5. Qt5 settings are set somewhere else obviously.. @cesasol have you tried changing normal kde4 color scheme from plasma next, system settings and not from virtuality config? That way it works for me. Just to chek one thing - are you using my package from AUR? virtuality binary is qt5 and there is virtuality-qt4 binary for qt4.. Also you should not have any problems setting color scheme from virtuality-qt4 config for qt4 apps.
Qt5 does not keep an own config but detects its current platform and interprets those settings. Since the virtuality config tool writed the KDE(4) colors, this should work (using
the Qt5 config is ~/.config/QtProject.conf. I've not yet check the required settings/format there (could be same) - Trolltech.conf would probably be inappropriate ;-)
After a lot of trial and error testing, I found it! :-) ~/.config/kdeglobals - is the file that qt5 uses for the default colors. ~/.config/QtProject.conf is there just to confuse "the enemy" and does nothing.. :-)
Hi, I have some news regarding this problem. I had to cleanup my system a bit, which resulted in removing all kf5 packages and removing all configuration files effectively giving me new user like system. It appears that plasma next was the culprit, now that I do not have plasma next all qt5 stuff works perfectly normal. Original reporter stated that he has plasma next installed too. I can't compile all kf5 packages at this time, just to check if I can reproduce the problem. I will probably do that later this week. I believe that you can close this, considering that original reporter went silent and that the problem is not even in virtuality itself.
I'll leave this open since either way the config dialog will have to write the KF5 color config (as does for KDE SC4)
Same problem here in Manjaro (using good cazimi's AUR package) with Fluxbox (without KDE, Gnome etc.); changed colours aren't honoured by Qt5 apps, but they're by Qt4 ones.
Virtuality's window itself changes to the new customised colours, but relaunching it those custom colours revert back to the old defaults in the "Colors" tab.
I'm in your service if you want me to try anything. And thanks so much for your contributions to Qt and Linux.
As a side note, can you carve out just the colour scheme aspect of your utility and offer it as a standalone app for Qt-only systems to customise colours. That way one could customise the colours of not only virtuality, but qtcurve and the default fusion as well.
I can confirm this same behavior. QT4 colors stick, but not QT5, and Virtuality gui updates immediately upon saving new color scheme, but reverts back to white/blue when re-opened
I am on Manjaro running i3 desktop, although KDE is also installed on this system. Changing the color scheme through KDE's systemsettings has no effect (I have not tried logging into KDE and trying this though)
Has anyone figured this out?
ViktorNova, haven't tried with virtuality, but there's a new qtconfig tool for qt5, qt5ct:
Can you try commit c26092559ee4df55d59eac07c4ceb5b99e8a29ab - this doesn't write the KF5 config, but the QtProject one (along the legacy Trolltech one)
I have found a way to customize the colors of Virtuality that works reliably, but using Qt5ct instead of Virtuality:
# This file needs to be put into /etc/profile.d/
(Without this, the Qt5ct settings are ignored)