Lucy Garner

Results 31 issues of Lucy Garner

Hi, I was wondering whether you had compared SCORPIUS results using either the expression matrix for all genes or an expression matrix filtered for highly variable genes as input to...

Hi, I am getting this error at the `extract_modules` step, which appears to be related to the maximum length of allowed vectors in R:,, > "You are...

Hi, I was wondering whether you have compared using all genes vs. only highly variable genes (HVGs) as input for the multi-dimensional scaling step? The reason I ask is that...

Expected the fold change column in the `FindAllMarkers` output data.frame to be named `avg_diff` when using the "" slot, but it is named `avg_log2FC`. ```r library(Seurat) library(SeuratData) InstallData("pbmc3k") data("pbmc3k") pbmc3k...


Hi, I am getting a segmentation fault with `DiffusionMap`. I am not changing any of the defaults. 1) When inputting a data matrix as `data`, I get the following error:...

How many cell types are required for haystack_bio to provide accurate and reliable results? For example, I have ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data on three cell types? Would this be sufficient...

Hi @kassambara, I am getting slightly different p-values if I `p.adjust.method` within `wilcox_test` or run `p.adjust` afterwards and I am just trying to understand why. ``` data(iris) iris$Petal.Width % wilcox_test(Sepal.Length...

Hi, I am getting the following error when trying to access ![image]( Are others having this issue as well? Best wishes, Lucy

Hi, I was wondering whether there is a function inside vegan for calculating the Gini coefficient, as this is another diversity metric that is used a lot for TCR/BCR repertoire...

Hi, I would like to establish the stability of the clusters that I have identified using Seurat (FindNeighbors and FindClusters). I was wondering how difficult it would be for me...