Yep, tbh I would not mind either, just want to have one for sure, and update whole translation to use it :tongue: Within a more “traditional” context I would use...
Yeah, re tu/vous, also inclined to stick to “vous”, so let’s bust our “tu” usages :tongue: @yianni3000 agree with your points, “activity feed” will go as “fil d’activité” then I...
Yeah… I tried to mix a bit between “mail” (very common in France’s french) and “courriel” (which is quite used in Quebec afaik, and is the official choice of the...
Re feminine (or plural) forms, yes, they are totally needed. I tend to prefer `motivé.e` over `motivé(e)`, I find it a bit more inclusive, parenthesis can have a feeling of...
@Wapdoowap you should read but basically, once you have saved your work in own branch of own repo, you have to submit a **pull request** to fetlife's repo to...