Hello guys! Got ST-Link v2 clone and made some progress here. Using opeocd and arm-none-eabi-gdb with the attached configs, i managed to connect to Z3SL and dump memory (I think...
Hi @MattWestb thank you very much for the feedback ❤️. Do you know How to extract user data? Meanwhile I'm still stuck on WBRG1, I'm not able to find a...
Ok cool! To let it works i used this on GDB: -c "gdb_memory_map disable" And in openocd conf: dump memory dump.bin 0x00000000 0x00080000 So i think i don't have all.....
ok i used this: dump memory flash.bin 0x00000000 0x00100000 dump memory flash_user.bin 0x0fe00000 0x0fe00400 dump memory flash_dev_info.bin 0x0fe08000 0x0fe08400 dump memory flash_chip_config.bin 0x0fe0e000 0x0fe0e400 dump memory flash_reserved_partial.bin 0x0ff00000 0x0ff00400 nothing...
> Use same st-link for wbrg1 :) Yes.. but how? haah
> Only the first two is interesting then device info is burned in the factory and we dont have any user of the info stored in the RAM then the...
> > > Use same st-link for wbrg1 :) > > > > > > Yes.. but how? haah > > As told earlier it's just realtek chip inside.. so...