this is what I am struggling with now,
this happens when you shutdown any client ungracefully so it doesn't invoke OnDisconnect()
even Send/Invoke OneWay doesn't help to prevent this error, causes timeouts for us
Is there a way to run nvidia-container-runtime on io.containerd.runc.v2, not v1? I am getting the same error as OP, tried different versions of k8s-nvidia-plugin GPU on host node works fine,...
Increase virtual memory size, helped me I set it to 28 gb
> The pubsub system must think you've a subscription to that stream. > > Suggest calling GetAllSubscriptionHandles() on the stream during onActivateAsync and calling resume or unsubscribe on any existing...
Anything new about this issue?
If anyone is having trouble with that in Docker, that helped me: (change TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST to your value). 8.6 is for RTX 3060 ``` RUN git clone repositories/xformers && cd...
any update?
Is it going to be merged?