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Paw-SwaggerImporter copied to clipboard

TypeError: Parameter 'url' must be a string, not object

Open drallgood opened this issue 6 years ago • 22 comments


i'm getting the following error, when trying to import one of our products' swagger files: JS Exception Line 7658. TypeError: Parameter 'url' must be a string, not object

I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that this appears in the content of the JSON file: "url":{"type":"string"} (this is part of our model)

drallgood avatar Oct 20 '17 09:10 drallgood

I have the same issue. Any news regarding this?

pawsaw avatar Nov 02 '17 14:11 pawsaw

Also getting this problem. Anyone got a resolution?

ollydcuk avatar Feb 05 '18 14:02 ollydcuk

That means your file is in format Open API 3.0, which differs from Swagger 2.0.

xfoxfu avatar Mar 10 '18 10:03 xfoxfu

Is there any update on this issue?

I am getting the above error importing a Swagger 2 yaml file that has no 'url' parameter anywhere in it at all.

goodmorningbob avatar Sep 04 '18 09:09 goodmorningbob

Also getting: "Import failed" "TypeError: Parameter 'url' must be a string, not object"

when choosing Swagger 2.0 for this file

Likewise, the file does not have a "url" property.

autumnfjeld avatar Feb 20 '19 04:02 autumnfjeld


brtdv avatar Mar 25 '19 16:03 brtdv

Same Issue here.

stfnhh avatar Apr 04 '19 16:04 stfnhh

same issue here. Which importer should we use? Using Open API 3.0 that generates a swagger.json

reshadf avatar May 27 '19 09:05 reshadf

+1 Still receiving this error

richessler avatar May 29 '19 18:05 richessler

Same issue here.

alexbedzyk avatar Aug 20 '19 05:08 alexbedzyk

Same issue here.

facetheheat avatar Jan 24 '20 15:01 facetheheat

I was able to flub this by importing to postman format, then from postman to paw. I hope this helps you all. The Swagger to Paw is still broken.

richessler avatar Jan 24 '20 16:01 richessler

This hasn't been addressed in almost 3 years' time… it's not like Swagger / OpenAPI are some obscure format that nobody uses. Not a great look.

prometheas avatar Aug 12 '20 15:08 prometheas

I checked Paw to initially work with Swagger based APIs, and this is really awkward, especially Paw website saying this importer is official!

dmythro avatar Sep 10 '20 19:09 dmythro

For what it's worth, I heard back from the support team. They claim the Swagger 2.0 import errors will be addressed, and support for 3.0 will be added "soon", though no details whether these would be in the same release, and what sort of timing to expect:

Thanks for bringing this up to our attention - we are aware of the Swagger 2.0 issues and this is something we plan to fix… [and] we are currently preparing to bring OpenAPI 3.0 support so happily, that'll be fixed soon.

That message was from mid-August, so… hang in there, gang 🙏

prometheas avatar Sep 10 '20 21:09 prometheas


OpenAPI 3 is coming in a few weeks too 🙏

command-tab avatar Sep 10 '20 22:09 command-tab

Found workaround - convert OpenAPI 3.0 to Swagger 2.0:

This issue should be linked with #39

osipxd avatar Nov 06 '20 18:11 osipxd


OpenAPI 3 is coming in a few weeks too 🙏

OpenAPI 3 support never materialized? I get this error when trying to import an OpenAPI 3.0.3 YAML file.

heksesang avatar Jan 22 '21 13:01 heksesang

same problem still present

superandrew avatar Feb 19 '21 14:02 superandrew

Using the OpenAPI 3 importer did the trick for me:

marceldarvas avatar Jun 22 '21 14:06 marceldarvas

Using the OpenAPI 3 importer did the trick for me:

Thanks for letting us know, @marceldarvas -- the context of my earlier need for this capability has since vanished, but I will see if I can remember what I was doing in Aug 2020 (I at least remember which project it was… hoping it will become obvious when I put eyes back on it 😅) and see if it now works.

prometheas avatar Jun 22 '21 15:06 prometheas

this is still an issue, importing Apple's App Store Connect API which lists its version as "openapi" : "3.0.1" still breaks with the following: JS Exception Line (null). TypeError: Parameter 'url' must be a string, not object

Any fixes? Seems like basic functionality

lbdl avatar May 30 '22 20:05 lbdl