teleflask copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'Teleflask' object has no attribute '_username'
I got this error
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 78, in <module>
from bot.start import bot
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 12, in <module>
def start(update, text):
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 451, in register_command
self.add_command(command, func, exclusive=exclusive)
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 472, in add_command
for cmd in self._yield_commands(command):
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 571, in _yield_commands
yield syntax.format(command=command, username=self.username)
File "/Users/admin/Devel/", line 247, in username
return self._username
AttributeError: 'Teleflask' object has no attribute '_username'
Sentry is attempting to send 1 pending error messages
This is my current code:
if os.getenv('TELEGRAMBOT_API_KEY', False):
from bot.start import bot
from teleflask.messages import TextMessage
from teleflask import Teleflask
import os
bot = Teleflask(os.getenv('TELEGRAMBOT_API_KEY'))
def start(update, text):
# update is the update object. It is of type pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates.Update
# text is the text after the command. Can be empty. Type is str.
return TextMessage("<b>Hello!</b> Thanks for using @" + bot.username + "!", parse_mode="html")
what's wrong ?
I have the same issue