Ding Chen
Ding Chen
Who have better GAIL hyper parameters?
In GAIL, I tested this hyper parameters and this seems to work a lot more consistently: a2c_hidden_size = 32 discrim_hidden_size = 128 lr = 1e-3 num_steps = 128 mini_batch_size =...
可以参考Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning via Additively Homomorphic Encryption,https://www.cnblogs.com/lucifer1997/p/11243430.html,有这两种加密方法的实现
基本内容可以参见Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning via Additively Homomorphic Encryption,主要是复现这篇论文的工作,并加入了一些自己的想法
I see the similar problem in https://github.com/tristandeleu/pytorch-maml-rl/issues/41
Thanks a lot. After adding 'mp.set_start_method('spawn')', I fix this problem using this branch https://github.com/tristandeleu/pytorch-maml-rl/tree/fix/mp-spawn
Excuse me, have you finally solved this problem?