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AKS: Creating new cluster fails
When running ./setup_f5_aks.sh -c fusion -p resource_group -z eastus
with existing resource group but non existing AKS cluster, I get the following message:
Launching AKS cluster fusion in resource group resource_group in location eastus for deploying Lucidworks Fusion 5 ...
(ResourceNotFound) The Resource 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace-a0850143-21c8-48ac-a534-c95f3e652bd8-WUS' under resource group 'DefaultResourceGroup-WUS' was not found. For more details please go to https://aka.ms/ARMResourceNotFoundFix Code: ResourceNotFound Message: The Resource 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace-a0850143-21c8-48ac-a534-c95f3e652bd8-WUS' under resource group 'DefaultResourceGroup-WUS' was not found. For more details please go to https://aka.ms/ARMResourceNotFoundFix
ERROR: Create AKS cluster fusion failed! Look for previously reported errors or check the Azure portal before proceeding!
I believe that the problem is with:
az aks create ${PREVIEW_OPTS}
--enable-addons http_application_routing,monitoring
--resource-group ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}
--name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
--node-count ${NODE_COUNT}
--node-vm-size ${INSTANCE_TYPE}
--kubernetes-version ${AKS_MASTER_VERSION}
in setup_f5_aks.sh, specifically the monitoring addon is trying to deploy into DefaultResourceGroup-WUS which is for westus even though I want to deploy into eastus.
Would it be possible to have monitoring as an optional parameter or be able to specify into which resource group it should be installed?
Thanks, Greg