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How to generate images after training
Hi. I am using the provided code below:
import torch
from imagen_pytorch import Unet, Imagen, ImagenTrainer
# unet for imagen
unet1 = Unet(
dim = 32,
cond_dim = 512,
dim_mults = (1, 2, 4, 8),
num_resnet_blocks = 3,
layer_attns = (False, True, True, True),
unet2 = Unet(
dim = 32,
cond_dim = 512,
dim_mults = (1, 2, 4, 8),
num_resnet_blocks = (2, 4, 8, 8),
layer_attns = (False, False, False, True),
layer_cross_attns = (False, False, False, True)
# imagen, which contains the unets above (base unet and super resoluting ones)
imagen = Imagen(
unets = (unet1, unet2),
text_encoder_name = 't5-large',
image_sizes = (64, 256),
timesteps = 1000,
cond_drop_prob = 0.1
# wrap imagen with the trainer class
trainer = ImagenTrainer(imagen)
# mock images (get a lot of this) and text encodings from large T5
text_embeds = torch.randn(64, 256, 1024).cuda()
images = torch.randn(64, 3, 256, 256).cuda()
# feed images into imagen, training each unet in the cascade
loss = trainer(
text_embeds = text_embeds,
unet_number = 1, # training on unet number 1 in this example, but you will have to also save checkpoints and then reload and continue training on unet number 2
max_batch_size = 4 # auto divide the batch of 64 up into batch size of 4 and accumulate gradients, so it all fits in memory
trainer.update(unet_number = 1)
# do the above for many many many many steps
# now you can sample an image based on the text embeddings from the cascading ddpm
images = trainer.sample(texts = [
'a puppy looking anxiously at a giant donut on the table',
'the milky way galaxy in the style of monet'
], cond_scale = 3.)
images.shape # (2, 3, 256, 256)
I want to know how to generate the images in texts
. Right now, once the training is done, there aren't any outputs.
you should be able to use the torchvision library to save every tensor in the images list
you should be able to use the torchvision library to save every tensor in the images dict
How can I do that? Can you show me a demo?
from torchvision.utils import save_image
for idx, image in enumerate(images):
save_image(image, f"sample_{idx}.png")
edit: you should also be able to use the image .save function aswell
i got this result missing somethink'S?
i got this result missing somethink'S?
Model isnt trained, Either wait for the pretrained models or train it yourself on something like a small subset of LAION
Is there any pretrained model and how to use pretrained model?