Jacob Sherwood
Jacob Sherwood
is the consensus here to use blockstream.info/testnet/api/ like so? ``` #node = SimpleNode('testnet.programmingbitcoin.com', testnet=True, logging=False) node = SimpleNode('https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/', testnet=True, logging=False) ```
when I change to blockstream I get a gaierror. Do I need a more specific cmd? ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- gaierror Traceback (most recent call last) in 43 44 ---> 45 node...
was anything ever done here? We need this
Thank you 🙏
I got this working by linking the lib's xcodeproj in the libraries of my parent xcodeproj as described [here](https://github.com/Aminoid/react-native-activity-recognition#ios) I also needed to add HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS as mentioned [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/49712675/16743381) My search_paths...
> Editing the Auto-GPT/autogpt/commands/web_selenium.py file as follows and suggested by @darkcount2011: > ... this all worked for me. I am also on macOS
I've been trying to get a alternative testnet going for the last week. finally got a testnet node running in docker. How do I access it and substitute it in...
Thanks @marcdk I'm clear on the port to use. I'm more asking how to use it. specifically for the last exercise[ Chapter12 exercise 6](https://render.githubusercontent.com/view/ipynb?color_mode=light&commit=3fba6b992ece443e4256df057595cfbe91edda75&enc_url=68747470733a2f2f7261772e67697468756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f6a696d6d79736f6e672f70726f6772616d6d696e67626974636f696e2f336662613662393932656365343433653432353664663035373539356366626539316564646137352f636f64652d636831322f4368617074657231322e6970796e62&nwo=jimmysong%2Fprogrammingbitcoin&path=code-ch12%2FChapter12.ipynb&repository_id=114506572&repository_type=Repository#Exercise-6). It connects with `node = SimpleNode('testnet.programmingbitcoin.com',...
Confirmed this fixes the Android issues I was having. Thanks!
Sorry to open up an old question but @MBach did you ever find a solution for using a gradient color in the arc?