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Flume-NG Sink for Elasticsarch >= 2.0
Hello, as I read the major version of the TransportClient must be the as the major version of Elasticsearch. I am highly interested to use this sink together with ES...
the error log shows: ``` [ERROR - org.apache.flume.lifecycle.LifecycleSupervisor$MonitorRunnable.run(LifecycleSupervisor.java:251)] Unable to start SinkRunner: { policy:org.apache.flume.sink.DefaultSinkProcessor@269c7f70 counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } } - Exception follows. java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: LUCENE_5_3_1 ``` the elasticsearch 2.2.1 uses lucene...
Update version of elasticsearch to avoid java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: LUCENE_5_3_1 when using elasticsearch 2.1.0.
I am trying with flume 1.6 with elastic search 2.3. Everything is working gradle perspective. But while executing the flume, it is producing the serializer error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDynamicSerializer is not...
**write data:** { "action_type": "media", "test_double": "2131312312", "media_type": "mobile", "created_timestamp": "2016-09-07 09:42:57", "is_incr": "yes", "browser_lang": "OTHER", "device_mobile": "15559850392", "device_os_ver": "Unknown", "media_code": "bj001", "test_long": 12313123, "browser_ver": "sss", "loc_ip": "", "device_mac": "00:70:A4:00:00:5C",...
Hi, i'm using elasticsearch 2.4.0, cloudera-manager 5.8.0 I copied elasticsearch-2.4.0.jar and lucene-core-5.5.2.jar to flume plugins. I changed some flume jars for elastic(i saw errors about it) t-digest-3.0.jar jsr166e-1.1.0.jar guava-18.0.jar And...
24 Jun 2016 16:36:16,138 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-1](org.apache.flume.lifecycle.LifecycleSupervisor$MonitorRunnable.run:253) - Unable to start SinkRunner: { policy:org.apache.flume.sink.DefaultSinkProcessor@161dbb35 counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } } - Exception follows. java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings, but class was expected at...
Hey, First of all thank you for creating this. If i can get it working it will be a great help. The issue I have on restarting flume is this:...