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Gradient-based hyperparameter optimization package with TensorFlow
Gradient-based hyperparameter optimization package with TensorFlow
NOTE: this package is discontinued. Please refer to the new package FARHO at https://github.com/lucfra/FAR-HO
FAR-HO is a more complete and easier-to-use version: this are the main differences and new features. This package will not be updated in the future but will be mantained for reproducibility of experiments in the paper.
The package implements the three algorithms presented in the paper Forward and Reverse Gradient-Based Hyperparameter Optimization (http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/franceschi17a).
- Reverse-HG, generalization of algorithms presented in Domke [2012] and MacLaurin et Al. [2015] (without reversable dynamics and "reversable dtype")
- Forward-HG
- Real-Time Hyperparameter Optimization (RTHO)
The first two algorithms compute, with different procedures, the gradient of a validation error with respect to the hyperparameters - i.e. the hypergradient - while the last, based on Forward-HG, performs "real time" (i.e. at training time) hyperparameter updates.
Installation & Dependencies
Clone the repository and run setup script.
git clone https://github.com/lucfra/RFHO.git
cd rfho
python setup.py install
Beside "usual" packages (numpy
, pickle
, gzip
), RFHO depends on tensorflow
. Some secondary module depends also
on cvxopt
(projections) and intervaltree
. The core code works without this packages, so feel free to ignore
these requirements.
Please note that required packages will not be installed automatically.
Aim of this package is to implement and develop gradient-based hyperparameter optimization (HO) techniques in TensorFlow, thus making them readily applicable to deep learning systems. The package is under development and at the moment the code is not particularly optimized; please feel free to issues comments, suggestions and feedbacks! You can email me at [email protected] .
Quick Start
Self contained small example on MNIST with
A module with a more complete set of examples with an
function showcasing the behaviour of all algorithms an various models (default dataset is MNIST).
Core Steps
- Create a model as you prefer1 with TensorFlow,
- obtain a vector representation of your model with the function
, - define the hyperparameters you wish to optimize2 as
, - define a training and a validation error as scalar
, - create a training dynamics with a subclass of
(at the moment gradient descent, gradient descent with momentum and Adam algorithms are available), - chose an hyper-gradient computation algorithm among
(see next section) and instantiaterfho.HyperOptimizer
, - execute
function inside atensorflow.Session
and optimize both parameters and hyperparameters of your model.
import rfho as rf
import tensorflow as tf
model = create_model(...)
w, out = rf.vectorize_model(model.var_list, model.out)
lambda1 = tf.Variable(...)
lambda2 = tf.Variable(...)
training_error = J(w, lambda1, lambda2)
validation_error = f(w)
lr = tf.Variable(...)
training_dynamics = rf.GradientDescentOptimizer.create(w, lr=lambda1, loss=training_error)
hyper_dict = {validation_error: [lambda1, lambda2, lr]}
hyper_opt = rf.HyperOptimizer(training_dynamics, hyper_dict, method=rf.ForwardHG)
hyper_batch_size = 100
with tf.Session().as_default():
hyper_opt.initialize() # initializing just once corresponds to RTHO algorithm
for k in range(...):
hyper_opt.run(hyper_batch_size, ....)
1 This is gradient-based optimization and for the computation
of the hyper-gradients second order derivatives of the training error show up
(even tough no Hessian is explicitly computed at any time);
therefore, all the ops used
in the model should have a second order derivative registered in tensorflow
2 For the hyper-gradients to make sense, hyperparameters should be
real-valued. Moreover, while ReverseHG
should handle generic r-rank tensor
hyperparameters (tested on scalars, vectors and matrices), in ForwardHG
hyperparameters should be scalars or vectors.
Which Algorithm Do I Choose?
Forward and Reverse-HG compute the same hypergradient, so the choice is a matter of time versus memory!
The real-time version of the algorithms can dramatically speed-up the optimization.
The Idea Behind
The objective is to minimize some validation function E with respect to
a vector of hyperparameters lambda. The validation error depends on the model output and thus
on the model parameters w.
w should be a minimizer of the training error and the hyperparameter optimization
problem can be naturally formulated as a bilevel optimization problem.
Since these problems are rather hard to tackle, we
explicitly take into account the learning dynamics used to obtain the model
parameters (e.g. you can think about stochastic gradient descent with momentum),
and we formulate
HO as a constrained optimization problem. See the paper for details.
Code Structure
- All the hyperparameter optimization-related algorithms are implemented in the module
. The classesReverseHG
are responsible for the computation of the hyper-gradients.HyperOptimizer
is an interface class that seamlessly allows gradient-based optimization of continuous hyperparameters both in real-time (RTHO algorithm, based onForwardHG
and experimental Truncated-Reverse based on Reverse-HG) and in "batch" mode. - The module
contains classes that implement gradient descent based iterative optimizers. Since the HO methods need to access to the optimizer dynamics (which is seen as a dynamical system) we haven't been able to employ TensorFlow optimizers. At the moment the following optimizers are implemented-
module contains some helper function to build up models. It also contains the core functionvectorize_model
which transform the computational graph so that all the parameters of the model are conveniently collected into a single vector (rank-1 tensor) of the appropriate dimension (see method doc for further details) -
method contains some useful functions. Most notablycross_entropy_loss
re-implements the cross entropy with softmax output. This was necessary sincetensorflow.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits
function had no registered second derivative.
If you use this, please cite the paper.