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The first Java Actor System supporting fibers from Project Loom


Fibry is an experimental Actor System built to be simple and flexible. Hopefully, it will also be fun to use. Fibry is the first Java Actor System using fibers (now called Virtual Threads) from Project Loom, however it also works with threads using any OpenJDK.

Project Loom is an OpenJDK project that is expected to bring fibers (green threads) and continuations (co-routines) to Java. Fibry 1.X works with any version of Java starting from Java 8, while Fibry 2.X is targeting Java 11, but in both cases, you will need to use Loom if you want to leverage the power of fibers. Fibry 1.X is supported, and changes are available in the jdk8 branch. Fibry aims to replicate some of the features of the Erlang Actor System in Java. Fibry allows you to send code to be executed in the thread/fiber of an actor, a mechanism similar to the one used in Chromium.

The current line of development is meant to make Fibry useful on the creation of IoT products and video games supporting online multi-players functionalities.

Simplicity first, flexibility second

Fibry has been designed to be simple yet flexible, easy to add to an existing project:

  • Fibry has no dependencies, so no conflicts, no surprises and just a tiny jar available in the Maven Central repository
  • Your actors can and should use synchronous logic
  • You can use both fibers (if you run on Loom) and threads
  • There is a series of Stereotypes to handle common scenarios
  • Your actors don't need to extend any particular class, they can just implement Consumer or Function
  • Your actors have anyway the option to extend CustomActor and CustomActorWithResult, if this suits you best
  • If you choose to simply implements Consumer and Function, your actors can also be used "transparently" in code that knows nothing about Fibry
  • It is simple to retrieve the result of a message
  • It is possible to send messages to named actors even before they are created, potentially simplifying your logic; the messages can be discarded or processed when the actor will be available
  • There is a fluid interface to build the actors
  • On some actors, you can receive messages of your choice while processing a message (Erlang style)
  • Many types of actor implement the Executor interface, so you can "send code" to be executed by the thread/fiber of almost any actors, and use them on service that are not actor-aware
  • Most actors can be converted to Reactive Flow Subscribers (TCK tested), calling asReactiveSubscriber()
  • Fibry can create generators (Iterables with back-pressure) in a simple and effective way
  • Remote actors can be discovered using UDP Multicast
  • It implements a way to schedule messages in the future
  • It implements several types of actor pools, for work-stealing tasks, with the possibility to assign a weight to each job
  • It implements a very simple Map/Reduce mechanism, limited to the local computer.
  • It implements a very simple Pub/Sub mechanism, limited to the local computer.
  • It implements SyncVar and SyncMap, to notify (even remote actors) actors that a variable (or the value of a map) changed
  • It implements a simple TCP port forwarding, both as a Stereotype and as a small cli application: TcpForwarding
  • It implements some simple mechanisms to help to process messages in batches
  • It implements a mechanism to track progress of long-running tasks, which can be extended to support the progress of messages processed by another server
  • It provides a way to create simple Finite State Machines, either with Actors or with Consumers (recommended)
  • It provides support for three types of transactions, from lightweight to full transactions, with roll-back

Some numbers

So, fibers are better than threads. Got it. How much better? Very much. Depending on your problem, you can consider them 10X-100X better than threads. While Fibry has not been optimized for extreme performance (e.g. it is based on a JDK queue), performance has been taken into high consideration, with the result that generally you don't pay the price of features that you don't need, which explains why there are so many types of actors with different capabilities. Also, Loom is not completed yet, so its performance can change. I took some informal benchmarks using a C5.2xlarge VM instance, without tuning of the OS or of Loom:

  • Number of concurrent threads that can be created without OS tuning: around 3K
  • The expected maximum with OS tuning: around 33K
  • Number of concurrent fibers that can be created without OS tuning: more than 3M (100x - 1000X better)
  • Threads created per second: 15K
  • Fibers created per second: 600K (40x better)
  • Sync messages per second, between 2 threads (requires thread switching): 50K
  • Sync messages per second, between 2 fibers (requires fiber switching): 150K (3x better)

As an indication, Fibry can send around 7-8M of messages per second from a single core, under low thread contention.

Including Fibry in your projects

You can find Fibry on Maven Central.

To include it using Gradle:

compile group: 'eu.lucaventuri', name: 'fibry', version: '2.4.1'

To include it using Maven:


Why fibers?

Fibers, or green threads, are lightweight threads. Lightweight means that you can have many of them, and in fact Fibry will be happy to keep running several million of fibers at the same time, if that's what you need. With threads, depending on your configuration, you can maybe have some tens of thousands.

Surely you can use thread pools, but if you need to execute long operations this can be a problem, and in fact you might need to use asynchronous network operations to scale. And asynchronous code is hard. It can be really hard. Even a simple logic can be split in several callbacks and create endless issues. You can do amazing stuff with just a single thread, but you pay a price for it.

With fibers you can write your actors using synchronous calls. Yep, boring, plain, synchronous calls, and your project will still scale like crazy. That's why Fibry was born: to let you write simple actors with synchronous logic.

Project Loom?

That's the trick. Project Loom enables fibers. While fibers are nice but themselves, they were not very useful to do network operations until JDK 13 (due in September 2019) merged JEP 353, that rewrote part the network stack of Java to be Fiber friendly. Unfortunately, Loom is not yet merged into the OpenJDK, so you will have to build it by yourself. This might sound scary, but it is not. On Linux, building Loom is a matter of running a few commands and waiting:

hg clone 
cd loom 
hg update -r fibers
sh configure  
make images

Please consider that to compile Loom you need a "bootstrap JDK" that should be Java 12 or 13 (I guess 14 also works as Looms is already on JDK 14). I used Zulu 12 for my tests. Most likely you will need to install some packages, but sh configure kindly tells you the command to run. When you are done, you will have a new JVM at your disposal. Mine was on this path: build/linux-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java

More info in Loom Wiki On Windows you might have to use a Virtual Machine, and I would recommend avoiding shared folders as they can be issues with symbolic links.

To recognize Loom you don't need to do anything particular, Fibry will detect if fibers are available and use them automatically. But you do have to choose to use the FIBER or AUTO strategy, as Fibry allows you to force the creation of threads if that's what you need.

Creating actors with the ActorSystem class

While using actors is very simple, there are several ways to create the actors and to use them, so you will need to decide how you want your system to be built.

The most flexible way to create actors is using ActorSystem, a class implementing a fluid interface. You might create anonymous and named actors, the difference being that named actors have a name and they can be used without having ac Actor object, and in fact you can send messages even before the actor has been created, which helps reducing race conditions. You can choose the strategy: AUTO (the default, using fibers if available), FIBER (using fibers, throwing an exception if they are not available) and THREAD (using threads). You can supply an initial state, which is mostly useful for thread confinement.

You can create several types of actor:

  • Normal Actors: they receive messages without returning any result; they need to implement Consumer or BiConsumer (if you need access to the actor)
  • Returning Actors: they compute a result and return a CompletableFuture for each message; they need to implement Function or BiFunction (if you need access to the actor)
  • Multi-messages actors: they can handle more than one type of message; they need a message handler with public methods in the form onXXX(message), and they can return or not a value
  • Receiving actors: they are a normal actor that can also "receive", meaning that they can ask the actor system to deliver some particular message while processing another message, e.g. if you are waiting for another actor to provide some information; they need to implement BiConsumer
  • Receiving and returning actors: they are receiving actors that can also return a result; they need to implement BiFunction

Please take into consideration that while Receiving actors are the most powerful, there is some overhead in their use, and the receive operation must be used carefully as in the worst case it might have to scan all the message in the queue. In fact, I expect many cases to be covered with returning actors (e.g. you ask something to another actor and wait for the result), and they should be preferred.

Let's see now how to create an actor:

var actor = ActorSystem.anonymous().newActorWithReturn(n -> n*n);

Using actors

Using actors is super simple. The main functions are sendMessage() and sendMessageReturn(). To get a result from the previous actor, we can do:


But actors also implement the Consumer and the Function interface, so the previous code can be rewritten like this:


Please notice that apply() is blocking and it is therefore equivalent to sendMessageReturnWait(), while sendMessageReturn() returns a CompletableFuture that can allow the code to do other things while waiting. Excessive use of apply() and sendMessageReturnWait() can have negative effects on performance.

Thread confinement

Actors systems exist to implement thread confinement: your thread/fiber executes in the same thread/fiber and therefore you don't need synchronization or thread-safe classes. Usually, the logic of the actor is supplied during the creation, but sometimes instead of implementing several message types, it would be easier to just "send some code" to be executed in the context of the actor. An example would be Platform.runLater() in JavaFX. Fibry support this behavior for every actor, with the methods execAsync(), execAndWait() and execFuture(), all accepting Runnable and Consumer interface. In addition, almost every Actor implements the Executor interface.

Creating actors with the Stereotypes class

As you start to use actors, some patterns might emerge on the way that the actors are configured. Some of these patterns have been implemented in the Stereotypes class. Please check it and feel free to send me suggestions for new stereotypes. You are encouraged to use the Stereotypes class instead of relying on ActorSystem, if it provides something useful to you.

Some examples:

  • workersAsConsumerCreator(): creates a master actor returned as Consumer; every call to accept() will spawn a new actor that will process the message, making multi-thread as simple as it can be
  • workersAsFunctionCreator(): as before, but it accepts a Function, so it can actually return a result
  • embeddedHttpServer(): creates an embedded HTTP Server (using the standard HTTP Server included in Java), that process any request with an actor
  • udpServer() and udpServerString(): create a UDP server that forwards any message to a consumer
  • sink(): creates an actor that cannot process messages, but that can still be used for thread confinement, sending code to it
  • runOnce(): creates an actor that executes some logic in a separated thread, once.
  • schedule(): creates an actor that executes some logic in a separated thread, as many times as requested, as often as requested
  • scheduler(): creates a Scheduler that can be used to schedule messages in the future, in several ways
  • tcpAcceptor(): creates a master actor that will receive TCP connections, delegating the processing of each connection to a dedicated fiber. This is nice for IoI, to design a chat system or in general, if you have a proxy.

Please check the examples package for inspiration.

This is a very simple HTTP Hello World:

Stereotypes.def().embeddedHttpServer(8080, new Stereotypes.HttpStringWorker("/", ex -> "Hello world!"));

You can change the backlog used by the server, to improve its stability under load, calling Stereotypes.setDefaultHttpBacklog().

This is a very simple UDP Server:

var actor = Stereotypes.def().udpServerString(port, message -> {
    System.out.println("UDP message received: " + message);

Extending CustomActor and CustomActorWithResult

For maximum flexibility, sometimes you might want to just be an actor, instead of implementing some interface and struggle to customize its behavior. It is possible to do so extending CustomActor or CustomActorWithResult, depending on the type of actor that you need. The only method required is onMessage(). Just remember to call CreationStrategy.start() to start it.

Shutting down the actors

Shutting down the actors is a bit complicated, depending on which goal you want to achieve. One way is to call askExit(), which will ask the actor to terminate as soon as possible, which by default means after finishing the current message; long running actors should check for their isExiting() method or implement the CanExit interface. This will, however, lose the messages on the queue (and the actor will clear the queue). Another way is to call sendPoisonPill(), which will queue a message able to shut down the actor: the messages after the poison pill will be lost, the ones before it will be processed. The actors are Closeable(), so they can be put in a try-with-resources block. Please keep in mind that the default behavior is to call askExit(), so when the code leaves the try-with-resources block the actor might still be alive and working. This behavior can be customised using a different ClosingStrategy. For example, SEND_POISON_PILL_AND_WAIT will block in the try catch until all the messages in the queue (before the poison pill) are processed. The ClosingStrategy can be set using the strategy() call in ActorSystem, which can also set creation strategy. Using blocking try-with resources with more than one actor might be a bit complicated, an might not be worth it. If that's the chosen strategy, it might be better to have only one actor blocking on close, to avoid race conditions.

For more information, please look at the Exitable class.

Named Actors

Named actors are actors with a name associated, so you can communicate with them without having a reference to them. Named actors can allow clients to send messages even before they are created, as the messages can be queued. Unfortunately, it means that if the actor is terminated and the queue is removed, clients could still recreate the queue and cause an OOM. To avoid this, when named actors are created, "queue protection" can be activated. This will create a fake queue that does not accept new messages. Unfortunately, it still uses some small memory, for each actor.

In practice, if you plan to have millions of named actors you could either:

  • call ActorSystem.sendMessage() with forceDelivery==false, and avoid queue protection, which would save memory but would not allow clients to send messages before the actor is created.
  • call ActorSystem.sendMessage() with forceDelivery==true, and use queue protection, which would use some more memory while allowing clients to send messages before the actor is created.

A Distributed Actor System

Fibry 2.X is a Distributed Actor System, meaning that it can use multiple machines to run your actors, and they are still able to communicate using the network. This feature is experimental at the moment. Fibry provides a simple, generic, support to contact (named) actors running on other machines. It is based on these principles: channels (the communication method) and serializers / deserializers (to transmit the message via network).

Remote actors can be created using newRemoteActor(), newRemoteActorWithReturn() and newRemoteActorSendOnly(), from ActorSystem. FOr more details, please check the examples in the eu.lucaventuri.examples.distributed package.

It provides some interfaces:

  • RemoteActorChannel: an interface to send messages to named actors running on remote machines; these actors can return a value.
  • RemoteActorChannelSendOnly: an interface to send messages to named actors running on remote machines; these actors cannot return any value (e.g. queues).
  • ChannelSerializer / ChannelDeserializer / ChannelSerDeser: interfaces used for serialization and deserialization of messages
  • ActorRegistry, a generic mechanism for actors discovery, to discover actors running in another machine

Fibry provides also some implementations:

  • HttpChannel: implements a channel using HTTP (and you can add your flavour of authentication)
  • JacksonSerDeser: serialization and deserialization is done with Jackson (if present, as Fibry does not import it as a dependency)
  • JavaSerializationSerDeser and ObjectSerializerUsingToString, mainly for testing purposes.
  • MulticastActorRegistry or ActorRegistry.usingMulticast(): a UDP multicast actors discovery mechanism, only usable for machines in the same network.
  • TcpChannel: experimental implementation of a channel using TCP; it is intended to simplify very much the creation of a distributed chat system; it works but though it needs some improvements:
    • Each client named actor can represent a user, and open a permanent TCP channel with a server (e.g. through a load balancer)
    • Server side, multiple servers could listen for connections, using TcpReceiver.startTcpReceiverProxy() and attach to other servers using ActorSystem.addProxy()
    • A coordination server (e.g. Redis or something custom written with Fibry) could register which proxy holds the connection to each client
    • The directory examples/distributed has a demonstration of two clients connected to two servers with a coordinator

While HttpChannel is limited, it means that Fibry can run as a distributed actor system across HTTP clusters, and in particular it could be used as a very simple RPC mechanism to send messages across MicroServices. For now, you are still responsible to create an endpoint to receive the messages and send them to the appropriate actors. If you are using Spring Boot, the Fibry-Spring project could help. It can also be used to deal with queues in a transparent way, though at the moment you have to implement the logic by yourself.

TcpChannel is more flexible, and allows more sophisticated distributed systems, though surely it needs improvements, and even if it has been designed to recover in case of a failed connection, some stabilization work is necessary. In principle, a server with some kernel tuning, a lot of RAM and Loom installed could serve 1M or more concurrent clients. This is one of the main intended use cases of Fibry.

Discovering remote actors

Remote actors can be made discoverable using a registry created with the ActorRegistry.usingMulticast() method, then actors that need to be exposed can call the registerActor() to register and deregisterActor() to deregister. The caller is responsible to provide information sufficient to eventually reach the actors, if that's the goal, and the format of this information is up to the caller. For example, it could allow you to discover remote actors in the same network using UDP Multicast, then providing a way to reach them via UDP, via TCP or via a RCP proxy, based on teh use case. You can check the unit tests or the UdpMulticastRegistryExample for how to use this feature.


Some languages like Python have the possibility to yield a value, meaning that the function returns an iterator / generator. Java does not have such a feature, but now Fibry implements several mechanisms for that, offering you a choice between simplicity and speed. This is a bit less elegant and more complex than having a yield keyword, but at least it can be customized based on your needs.

This is a basic example, but you can find more examples in the unit test. I plan to write an article about this feature.

Iterable<Integer> gen = Generator.fromProducer(yielder -> {
 for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
   if (Math.random() < 0.5)
}, 5, true);

In the previous example, we get an iterator that will provide all the numbers selected, but not more than 5 will be "in fly", precomputed; this allows us to find a balance between speed and other resources (like memory, disk or CPU) that might become scarce when creating too many elements, in real world cases. For example, if you were to download and analyze some big files, you might want to download some of them in parallel (but not too many to not fill the hard drive) and then you might want to also process them in parallel, and generators can help you to hit the sweet spot. In practice, this is an implementation of a back-pressure mechanism.

Streams can often substitute generators, but this example would be tricky because you cannot know in advance the length of the stream. You could use a list, but then you need to keep all the elements in RAM, which is not always possible. You can write an Iterable, but it is quite some code, and not always super straightforward.

Fibry Generators don't have these limitations, and can let you customize how many elements to keep in memory (5 in my example); more elements usually mean better performance, but Fibry has also other ways to tune speed. Please note that every generator is back by a thread / fiber, and while it can process millions of elements per second, it might still be slower than other solutions.

Actor Pools

Fibry supports the concept of actor pool, an scalable pool of actors than can quickly scale based on the number of messages in the queue. The pools can be created using the class ActorSystem. However, please be careful because some operations might behave differently than with other actors. In particular, thread confinement will no longer work as before, because your code can run on multiple actors. However, as long as you access the state of the actor, you are guaranteed that the state is thread confined. Fibry can create weighted, fixed-size, actor pools, where the weight can be used to dynamically reduce the number of tasks executed at the same time, for example to reduce memory consumption or I/O conflicts, if you can somehow detect how heavy is the task. When creating a pool, you get access to the PoolActorLeader, which is a representative of the group but does not really process messages. If the pool is scalable, another actor is created to monitor the work queue. So creating a pool of N actors might actually create N=1 or N+2 actors. The leader can be used as a normal actor, and will take care to send the messages to the workers.

This code creates a fixed pool of 3 actors:

var leader = ActorSystem.anonymous().<String>poolParams(PoolParameters.fixedSize(3), null).<String>newPool(actorLogic);

And the following code creates a scalable pool from 3 to 10 actors:

var leader = ActorSystem.anonymous().<String>poolParams(PoolParameters.scaling(3, 10, 100, 0, 1, 500), null).<String>newPool(actorLogic);

The next code creates a weighted pool of 8 actors, that can be used on some OOM-prone scenarios:

var leader = ActorSystem.anonymous().poolParams(PoolParameters.fixedSize(8), null).newWeightedPool(actorLogic);


Fibry implements two types of map-reduce: unbounded (one actor per computation) or bounded (backed by an actors pool).

The following code a map-reduce job with 4 mappers that compute the square of a number, and one reduced that sum the results:

MapReducer<Integer, Integer> mr = Stereotypes.def().mapReduce(PoolParameters.fixedSize(4), (Integer n) -> n * n, Integer::sum, 0);,2,3,4,5);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(55), mr.get(true));

The following code does the same using one actor per computation, and a more compact syntax:

int res = Stereotypes.def().mapReduce((Integer n) -> n * n, Integer::sum, 0).map(1,2,3,4,5).get(true);

assertEquals(55, res);


Fibry provides a very simple Pub/Sub system, through the PubSub class, with different strategies affecting the number of actors involved. The Pub/Sub system creates actors using the default strategy. The following is a "Hello World" using Pub/Sub:

PubSub<String> ps = PubSub.oneActorPerTopic();

ps.subscribe("test", System.out::println);
ps.publish("test", "HelloWorld!");

Pub/Sub can help decoupling components, reducing latency (as tasks can be processed by actors asynchronously) and transparently adding/removing logging and monitoring, even at runtime. Applications using WebSockets or Queues might also benefit from Pub/Sub, as their domain is event based.

SyncVar and SyncMap

Fibry provides the class SyncVar, to notify actors that a certain variable changed value; if you need to monitor many values, you might want to consider SyncMap. A SyncVar can be called directly to check the value of the variable, or clients can use its PubSub object to be notified of changes.

SyncVar<String> sv = new SyncVar<>();

sv.subscribe(v -> {...});
String str = sv.getValue();        

If you want to use these functionalities with remote actors, the SyncVarConsumer can help you simplify your code. SyncVar has a second constructor when you can provide a custom PubSub object, if the default behavior does not fit your needs.


Fibry supports three types of transactions:

  • Light transactional actors, created using ActorSystem.newLightTransactionalActor(); these actors have an implementation of sendMessages() (plus a couple of new methods, sendMessageTransaction() and sendMessageTransactionReturn()) that creates light transactions. The only guarantee that a light transaction provides is that messages in the transaction are processed one after the other, without any other messages allowed to be executed between them; the messages need to all be provided at the same time.
  • Full transactions: many types of actor have a transaction() method that initiate a full transaction, that can be roll-backed;.
  • Full transactions without roll-back: many types of actor have a transactionWithoutRollback() method that initiate a full transaction, however, in case of an error, no roll-back is provided. The only reason to use this method instead of transaction() is if it is too complex to clone the state for roll-back, or if roll-back has no sense.

Light transactions are very lightweight, and they can be used without any particular precaution. On the other hand, full transaction needs to be used with caution, because they block the actor, which cannot receive any message until the transaction is completed; in addition, transactions are not initiated immediately, as we need their message to reach the actor and be processed. As it would be impossible to execute methods of the actor while blocking it, a convenient synchronous actor can be used inside the transaction. Please check the unit tests for examples on how to use these transactions.


Fibry implements a simple Scheduler, that can be used to postpone messages or to schedule them at a fixed rate or at a fixed delay; the messages will be sent to the specified actor. The syntax is the same as ScheduledExecutorService, except that it is also possible to specify a maximum number of messages to schedule

Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler();

scheduler.schedule(actor2, "msg2", 11, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(actor, "msg", 5, 5, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, maxMessages);
scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(actor3, "msg3", 4, 3, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);


Fibry has a file called Utilities that contains some useful methods. Listening to changes in a directory can be a bit difficult in Java. Fibry provide the Utilities.watchDirectory() method, that makes it simpler to receive event about file changes.

Some warnings

Fibry is still experimental (though I am using it in several projects), and to leverage its full potential you need to use Loom, which is a project under development, and is not clear when Loom will be merged into the OpenJDK; that said, the development of Loom seems very active and proceeding well. Loom might still have some bugs, as I saw some errors popping up when exchanging sync messages between a thread and a fiber, so it might be better to not mix them for now. If you start to use Fibry and find some bugs, please notify me. The API is going to change a bit, while I start to use it in more real-world projects. Nothing drastic, but you might find a new parameter in some methods. I apologise for that, but it will be necessary.

There are some network operations that are not virtual thread friendly, but the network stack of Java 15+ has been basically rewritten to support Loom. You can find a list of what works and what does not here.



Big thank you to Deniz Türkoglu: his code, advice, code reviews and endless discussions made Fibry a much better product.