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How to catch authorization error?
For example when trying
AppleHealthKit.saveMindfulSession({ startDate: ..., endDate: ... }, (err) => {
if (err) console.error(err.code)
The error object doesn't seem to have any code or anything else than message. err.code is undefined
How can I detect auth error?
/Not authorized/.test(err.message)
seems hacky
Have you tried calling authorizationStatusForType
before trying to saveMindfulSession
Unfortunately that method is not available in the api. See #82
Interesting, I was able to access that method in a dummy app I just created. It was pretty straightforward.
HealthKit.initHealthKit(options, async (err) => {
if (err) return console.log("error initializing HealthKit", err);
try {
const res = await HealthKit.authorizationStatusForType('Height')
console.log('res', res) // logs 'SharingAuthorized'
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e)
The method does seem to be available.
// RCTAppleHealthKit.m
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(authorizationStatusForType:(NSString *)type
if (self.healthStore == nil) {
self.healthStore = [[HKHealthStore alloc] init];
if ([HKHealthStore isHealthDataAvailable]) {
HKObjectType *objectType = [self getWritePermFromString:type];
if (objectType == nil) {
reject(@"unknown write permission", nil, nil);
NSString *status = [self getAuthorizationStatusString:[self.healthStore authorizationStatusForType:objectType]];
} else {
reject(@"HealthKit data is not available", nil, nil);
It looks like that authorizationStatusForType
code is not published to npm