copy-as-rtf copied to clipboard
No way to get it working under linux
I've tried with python 2.7 and with python 3.4 installed (with path correctly set) on both Linux Ubuntu and Linux Debian. It don'd copy anything to the clipboard... I get the last CTRL+C copied text. Why? Thank you!
Same problem here. Does anyone knows why?
seems to do absolutely nothing here.. running fedora 24, python 2.7
Same problem with Mac OS and python 2.7
Same with Windows 10 and Python 3.5. Path variable OK.
@lucasmazza Any idea on this one? I'd love to use this, but face a similar issue with nothing happening on linux (no error cast in the JS console either).
I installed xclip
and pygmentize
and now it's work and have a lot of rtf in clipboard ...
Hrmz...the code copied just pastes as markup wherever I try (libre office, google docs, etc). It ends up looking like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\uc0\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Monaco;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red78\green154\blue6;\red0\green0\blue207;\red143\green89\blue2;\red245\green121\blue0;\red32\green74\blue135;\red128\green0\blue128;\red206\green92\blue0;\red248\green248\blue248;\red0\green160\blue0;\red52\green101\blue164;\red164\green0\blue0;\red92\green53\blue204;\red239\green41\blue41;\red196\green160\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red204\green0\blue0;}\f0 \fs32{\cf1\b (}{\cf6 defun} {\cf1 testcctp} {\cf1\b (}{\cf1\b )}\par
{\cf1\b (}{\cf1 parse-flatzinc} {\cf2 "foo/cctp.fzn"}{\cf1\b )}{\cf1\b )}\par
@gpad Have you been able to paste it elsewhere successfully?
@haz no, I have the same problem. At the end I give up and decided to use the old command line:
pygmentize -l json -f html -O noclasses=true test.json | xclip -selection clipboard -t text/html
Same problem on Ubuntu 16.10, Atom 1.10.2. By the way, can anyone tell me how to check atom logs for errors?