microdadosBrasil copied to clipboard
Reads most common Brazilian public microdata (CENSO, PNAD, etc) easy and fast
After the update to include POF 1987/88 and 1995/95, the package is not working for POF 2002. I think you need to review the `POF_files_metada_harmonization.csv` and the read_POF seems to...
Oi Lucas! Tudo bem? Tô encontrando erro de versão na instalação do pacote. Tô usando a versão 4.1.1 Será que tenho que utilizar uma versão mais antiga? Muito obrigado pela...
Olá Lucas, não tive sucesso ao baixar os dados da PNAD 1995. Conforme comandos e erro descritos abaixo. > library('microdadosBrasil') > ############## > # PNAD 1995 > download_sourceData("PNAD", 1995, unzip...
@gutorc92 , @daniellima123 , conforme conversamos ontem, tentem criar testes unitários para as funções de download. Basicamente para todas as bases de dados de todos os anos a função iria...
Update the package with the lastest POF data 2017/2018
You should consider using https://basedosdados.org/ for data downloads (as an option). Might solve the recurring FTP issues. If doing so, you might work with the basedosdados guys who are still...
I have been getting several error messages while running the download_sourceData("PnadContinua", i = "2014-4q", unzip = T) command. **Error statement:** In download.file(link, destfile = dest.files, mode = "wb") : InternetOpenUrl...
Error when running read_RAIS for i=1985 Error in rbindlist(., use.names = T) : Item 10 has 27 columns, inconsistent with item 1 which has 25 columns. To fill missing columns...
Hi, I'm getting the following error message when running the code for harmonize varnames from the Censo Escolar from 2015 onwards: "Error: Can't rename columns that don't exist. x Column...
I was wondering if you had a dictionary for 2010 census data for Brazil. The municipality codes don't match other sources, so I'm not able to merge them. thanks!