Can it support export to onnx and inference using other language or paltforms?
how to download the checkpiotinse,
accuracy compares with VITS? does it faster and accurator?
非常感谢创作这个中文分词包,并且自带词性识别,不过好像在Pycharm ide中无法导入thulac,在terminal里面可以,不知为何,同志们可以测试一下
I have a old code using torchgeometry: ``` pose = tgm.rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis( homogen_matrot).view(batch_size, 1, -1, 3).contiguous() ``` it was input Nx3x4, output Nx3 but from `from kornia.geometry.conversions import rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis` this input...
I tried these scales and ratios on my dataset: ``` # this is coco anchors, change it if necessary # anchors_scales: '[2 ** 0, 2 ** (1.0 / 3.0), 2...
``` error LGHT0311 : A string was provided with characters that are not available in the specified database code page '1252'. Either change these characters to ones that exist in...
hover: Failed to change file permissions for {{.executableName}}.desktop file: chmod /tmp/hover-build-flutter_app-linux-appimage176916164/flutter_app.desktop: no such file or directory
For these users of go-flutter-desktop in China, strongly recommended an example can be provided for Chinese and emoji support on Linux.
vpose_v1.0 no longer able to load? ``` human_body_prior/src/human_body_prior/tools/", line 33, in exprdir2model assert len(available_ckpts) > 0, ValueError('No checck points found at {}'.format(model_snapshots_dir)) AssertionError: No checck points found at data/vposer_v1_0/snapshots ```...