lazyconfig only supports MaskRCNN
you should using `` to train if you register in that file. I have updated the custom dataset training entrance, you can directly edit your dataset and resgistered here:
可以根据gpu num调整一下lr,现在最新版的d2,会默认按照八卡进行配置,也就是说,如果lr设置的0.008,而你训练只有一张卡,d2会自动把lr变成 0.001
@LuoxiaofeiFly 你的确发现了一个BUG,可以给主仓库提交一个PR修正以下这个地方么?看起来似乎不影响运行,但在onnx export的时候恐容易崩
We didn't fully opensource convnext-yolox yet.
没有任何改进,如果你看到训练效果更好,那可能是由于我们的实现与原版的baias造成的。 具体来将: - 模型没有任何改变(当然在yolov7海量backbone包括VIT你可以随意组合); - learning scheduler可能又些许差异,因为d2里面是按照iteration来算的; - augmentation可能存在差异,因为我们用的是我们的mosiac版本; BTW,我们提供了一个YOLOX-Keypoint 端到端的模型。感兴趣可以莫改一波。可以post一些结果看看差异在哪儿,我们分析一波
@JackeyLovers can u help contribute some of your training result in [discussion]( ? So that I can make it as a reference for others who want using yolov7 as training...
it was acceptable, there might be some slightly difference between floats, but it's OK in inference.
@ayoolaolafenwa Hi, thank u for your interest. Theoretically it should able to export to onnx. What's error messages did got when export SparseInst?