powershell-docset icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
powershell-docset copied to clipboard

A dash docset for powershell modules : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/

powershell-docset : A dash docset for powershell modules


Build Status

posh-to-dash.py scrapes the newly announced https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/ website in order to create an offline dash-compatible archive to be viewed in Dash, Zeal or Velocity :

Powershell docset in Velocity


Installation & Execution

posh-to-dash.py relies on :

  • requests for http(s) downloads
  • selenium and phantomjs for webscraping
  • bs4 for html parsing and rewriting
  1. Copy the repository
  2. Install the dependencies from requirements.txt, use a virtualenv to avoid problems with dependencies and versions.
  3. Download the geckodriver from Mozilla's Repo, download the version that matches your OS.
  4. Place the geckodriver in your path
  • If Windows, grab the executable an place it in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

  • If Linux, move it to your ~/.local/bin or wherever you have your path

  1. Start scraping by typing : posh-to-dash.py --output=$outputfile --version=6 --temporary
  • if --output is not provided, posh-to-dash.py will output "Powershell.tgz' into the working directory
  • the --version switch support only Powershell API versions 7.0, 7.1 (default) and 7.2 , the rest are obsolete by Microsoft.
  • --temporary specify to download the web scraping resources in a temporary folder instead of clobbering the current directory. However if the download fail, the results will be thrown out.

NOTE: The process takes 15+ minutes to run. The more versions you download increases the time.

Add your docset to Zeal

With the Powershell.tar file, unzip it and place it in C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Zeal\Zeal\docsets


The powershell modules API endpoint is quite new, so it may be subject to breakage by the docs.microsoft.com people.