Results 40 comments of lucasg

I think 29b942f635195a3d0d27db67d9e03ffb58b42bd3 fix the crash you've seen. However, this DLL which has two manifests is pretty trippy : * `C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe .\MsiCofire.dll, DllMain` loads `C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll ` * `C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe .\issue115\MsiCofire.dll, DllMain`...

After several hours of processing (which is an issue itself) I managed to get the results without `Dependencies` ever crashing, meaning the issue may come from the difference in our...

you can download the debug build artifacts here : **Beware** : it can be excruciatingly long to run the debug analysis on this binary (several hours in my case)

> I am seeing the same crash (also version 1.9.0)... > > ``` > C:\bin>Dependencies.exe -chain "C:\Windows\System32\msvcr120.dll" > > Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of...

Interesting, do you know which binary triggers the bug (path & hash) ?

interesting, was it during analysis or on idle ?

Can you test it with a recent build ? The 1.9 release was over a year ago, and I maybe fixed it in the meantime : You can also...

> Unfortunately I can no longer reproduce the issue with my current binary (it has continued to evolve after my tests). Both the latest official release and the master build...

Funny, I entertained the tought to rewrite everyting in C# in order to get rid of native code ! But I admit your proposition has some merit. Anyway, I'll keep...

Actually, the SxS manifest is parsed pretty elegantly via the C# `XmlDocument`/`XPath` API, which way easier to use than it's C counterpart `XmlReader`. Other than that, I agree most of...